Abby speaks next.
"Kill the Kings? Have at it. I'll be watching from a distance."
Bri's voice echoes through their link right after.
"Hey wait! I watched those energy readings when you were only provoking them... It would be most logical to corner one against the three of you... We could even wait for Maria to reply—"
Arie's response comes back next.
"No. I like Abby's plan. More variables will only get in our way."
There is a silence that is only broken seconds later by Raven.
"Agreed. Logic won't be the sole factor in this; it has to be a battle of wills."
Arie smirks as he hears these words, knowing that Raven has figured out exactly what he has.
Though, only silence remains.
During this pause, the Kings have become uninterested in the generals as they've flown out of their range, so they continue back to their own battle.
Alveron speaks after their clash shakes the local regions.
"Humans are very interesting... I've seen a few of your planets over the years. It's always the strongest ones that have the most backward ways of thinking... With such short lifespans, your ability to take risks differs greatly from mine."
The entire planet Alveron floats on lights up with yellow light, but the only feedback the generals get is the sound of simulated light laughter coming from the silver knight. While Alveron doesn't actually laugh, it has studied humans more than enough to know this is what it should be showing after a statement like that.
Bri replies.
"Yes... we must take advantage of the gifts in front of us... but still. You three. Crush your crystals if it becomes too dangerous. We have plenty of time, and have already gathered far more resources than expected from this world."
The three generals acknowledge her worries, but do not change their goal.
Abby nods, then summons another pillar filled with condensed yellow divine threads and sends it moving through the ground toward the Kings. She then sends a message to the other generals.
"Call me for backup if you're hurt. Though, I believe you're capable enough to figure them out."
Then, she begins floating backward while watching the two float forward and surround the Kings just like they did in their first interaction with them—before they all took a lap around the globe.
An eruption of yellow light, triggered by the Lich's arrow attacking the object emerging from the ground, sets off the battle as usual.
A second arrow is sent flying far off in the direction of the healer, while two crescents of demonic matter are thrown from the berserker's blades.
Instead of sticking around to watch the show, Abby turns to leave the moment her job is complete, turning her back to the battlefield while an arrow phases through her body like nothing.
Her sights are set on the desert region near the main base they were initially teleported to.
While Abby turns away, the other two generals tighten their movements and go into full battle mode.
This is nothing like the safe and calculated plans they had before to lure the Kings away from the throne from a distance. Now, they're committed to facing them head-on.
However, unlike their first few exchanges, the generals have a far greater grasp on the strength of the attacks they're facing.
Hundreds of purple arrows with white and yellow cores rain down on the crescent of energy moving Arie's way.
Instead of being filled with unease and pondering the unknown while sending off arrows like before, he knows the exact strength of the aura he's facing and how it has affected his attacks in the past.
By clumping many arrows together to focus on a single point of the crescent, he can tear through a larger amount of its mass in a single strike.
Not only does this lead to a higher chance of destabilizing the attack, but it also weakens the efficacy of the unsensible vibrations being given off in certain directions. These vibrations would usually weaken the raw power and momentum of his arrows in the past when he tried to attack the entire crescent at once. However, if a second grouping of arrows rides behind the first—taking the brunt of the Noble Vibrations—there is far less resistance once the arrows get close.
The explosions of the second wave of arrows are multiple times larger and far less suppressed by the natural vibrations coming off this attack—just from sacrificing a few hundred arrows at the start.
Arie doesn't even have to reload a single bow, as the berserker's energy crescent is torn apart in a single release, exploding into energy in the atmosphere before it even closes half the gap between them.
In response, he summons over 700 arrows in a single light show, glowing like stars behind his back, with the backdrop of dark arms looking like the night sky.
Though, he turns toward the other King that just sent an arrow flying off toward the healer and lets his attack fly, arcing upward and trailing with hundreds of purple streaks on their way toward the Lich.
He yells out.
"Hey, you! The battle is over here! Your fight is with me now!"
It is too far away for the King to hear, but it is a declaration more so for himself to get in the zone, preparing to fight a monster more powerful than anything he's ever even imagined.
At the same time, Raven comes face to face with a dark purple slash infused with white Qi, yellow divine threads, and a red aura from this berserker's Greater Form.
The air around her becomes cold, and her heart rate slows, along with her perception of time.
Before, she would have already slipped away into the safety of her stealth dimension, but after extensive testing during the last dozen exchanges, Raven has found a loophole to this pressure.
In moments of extreme concentration, and for limited periods of exposure, with minimal body parts exposed, these vibrations can be overcome.
As the crescent comes closer, her breathing slows, and her eyes stay locked on the target while gripping her blades and stepping forward.
Once the pressure around her becomes unbearable, she slips away into her stealth dimension—but still flies straight forward into the path of the attack.
Once close enough, she allows her blades to slip out from the space between reality she resides in.
Her blood-bonded weapons instantly feel cold, like circulation to a body part is being cut off.
Even the rest of her body reacts to this cold, as the pressure seeps into her stealth dimension much faster and with over ten times the intensity it would if she wasn't creating an opening.
However, with this large portion of her real body protected, she can channel her Soul Energy and threads from her Saturated Core into the blades.
Any distractions or falters in focus in the past while she was testing—no matter how small—always made the intensity of these cold vibrations far more brutal.
The only thing that keeps her will intact is the fiery feeling of her battle with the Rising Emperor.
While swinging her blades across her body, as the Berserker King's crescent begins to fill the entirety of her vision, she releases two bright yellow burning crescents of energy herself and pulls her blades back into the stealth dimension the moment her attack is sent flying away.
Without watching the crescents collide, she moves upward to get another angle on the incoming projectile and lets her blades out from the safety of their stealth dimension again, sending two more crescents of energy downward.
The blades disappear again and appear over and over around the crescent, sending waves of yellow light its way, all on a crash course toward the energy wave—but sent off in such rapid succession that they're all summoned before the first one's even hit.
"That should be enough..." Raven whispers under her breath as she sends off the tenth set of slashes and continues to fly forward over the energy crescent in the direction of the Berserker who sent it.
While she is invisible to the outside world, she can still see everything as the massive explosion of yellow and purple energy lights up the sky behind her, and the vibrations of cold aura all disperse and destabilize.
While the Noble Vibrations of these two Kings are incredibly powerful and work to suppress the wills of many strong monsters—even those at the peak of 1st Class Worlds in this star sector—there is one thing that these generals have that all of the past challengers don't.
That is the raw stats from 4% of 16,210,299,346,055 links of loyalty.
Flashes of yellow and white light zip across the tens of thousands of kilometers between the generals and the Kings, faster than any being has ever moved on this planet before.
Their True Cores may not have been saturated and matured, soaked by the circulating Demonic Energy of this world for millennia.
Their Bloodlines also may not have been artificially enhanced by testing done tens of thousands of years ago by a Great Family transfusing their Noble Bloodlines into strong beasts to create loyal soldiers.
However, it's clear they have more speed, strength, and mana control than any lower races in the Lower Realm should be able to naturally attain.
These 3rd Class Humans are approaching the raw stat level of Noble Races.
This is clear to see as the next exchange plays out.
Arrows rain down on the Lich from the sky.
Individually, they are quite weak, but together, they are far stronger.
This Demonic Lich carefully watched the exchanges before and turns its attention to the human that threw these attacks its way.
A dark black semi-circle dome appears in the air, about a kilometer wide above the Lich's head.
Hundreds of small explosions begin to show all over the dome's surface, as once most of the arrows come close enough, their power is significantly dulled.
Not a single arrow makes its way through the thick umbrella of dark energy.
However, this doesn't faze Arie one bit. He's already let another flurry of arrows off into the air—this attack with over 900—while the arms continue to grow and multiply behind him.
In response, the Lich releases a massive arrow of his own, straight toward the pesky bug that sends these tiny threats its way.
The cold aura and incredible power that pierces through the atmosphere, parting the demonic clouds for kilometers in every direction just from a compact, 100-meter-long arrow, show just how deadly this attack is.
Arie can sense that it is multiple times more dangerous than the crescents of energy thrown at him from the Berserker.
It's no wonder it takes the full force of that other King's two swords to stop or even deflect the arrows.
This is where Arie takes advantage of the massive links of loyalty increasing his speed.
Instead of facing the highest level of threat head-on, he sticks to his battle plan and continues moving forward but veers off to the right.
In response, almost instantly, another arrow is shot off from the Lich before he's even successfully dodged the first.
So, Arie changes his trajectory slightly upward. Though, the same thing happens, and another hot yellow arrow is sent his way.
Arie course-corrects and grins, sending a flurry of over 1,200 small purple arrows toward the Lich.
After this, the first of the Lich's arrows flies by Arie, suppressing his system slightly but all within the calculated risk. He shifts his flight path again as more yellow arrows come flying in, and even more are shot out from the Lich.
The arms from his back continue to grow, and he sends out even more waves of small arrows up into the sky, raining down on the Lich's umbrella-like defenses without breaking through even slightly.
It's as if they're so equally spaced out, he's not even trying to do any real damage...
And the ground he's making, moving toward the Lich, is hardly beneficial either. That is because every step closer he gets, the more precise and accurate the Lich's shots become.
With less time to dodge and less space between them, he's making this Demonic Lich's job even easier.
At least, that is what it seems like.
After the next flurry of 1,800 arrows comes out from his many bows, two distinct things start to happen.
The first is that the spread-out and randomness of the rainfall on the Lich's umbrella ceases.
Instead of being so evenly spread out, he uses the same tactics he did on the crescent from the Berserker moments earlier.
Groups of arrows are sent down into certain pressure points in the dome that have been tested to be the weakest breaking points after shooting countless arrows all over its surface.
After using hundreds of arrows in concentrated areas to break through this dome, the unaffected, less suppressed arrows can easily fall through.
In addition to this breakthrough, the nearly 2,400 arms stretching out from Arie's back split into two halves. Instead of looking just like a peacock's display of feathers to intimidate its opponent, now that he has fully activated his 3rd Ranked Up Buff, he can finally use his True Core's ability to its fullest potential.
The Lich isn't hurt by the arrows that make it through. At most, they are mild pinpricks that collide against its greater energy form and can be healed in an instant.
This isn't the main objective of this disturbance.
Plus, getting in the Lich's direct lane of fire wasn't to put him at a disadvantage either.
That is because the Lich is now in Arie's direct lane of fire too.
The splitting mass of spirit arms behind his back begins to form into what looks like two distinct arms and the summoning of a massive bowstring.
As Arie continues to move forward—almost faster than the Lich can see, with the speed stats from tens of thousands of worlds powering his footsteps—he dodges half a dozen more arrows before he stops in place, less than 1,000 kilometers away from the Lich.
Its intimidating aura is mind-bending, beyond anything Arie has felt before, or even imagined it would feel like to get this close.
Every breath he takes feels like he is simultaneously being crushed by the pressure of the sea floor, while frozen out in the abyss of space where no stars shine.
The pressure from its arrows or the Berserker's energy attacks is like a drop in an ocean of the power that vibrates off the actual body of this Ancient King.
Though, this only forces Arie to dig deeper and face an arrow from the King head-on that is now coming his way.
He could dodge in time, just like all the others, but the art of surprise is still on his side if he faces this one right now.
The piercing purple eyes of the black skeleton that give him a condescending death stare from across a flattened region still see this human as an inferior ant.
Arie creates a spirit arrow that matches the Lich King's arrows in size, roughly 100 meters long.
It glows bright white, and dark purple energy from the atmosphere swirls around him, sucked into his body and cycled into the shot he's charging up.
The arrow from the Lich has already left its bow and closed the gap by half—less than 500 kilometers away—and the intensity of the presence of a King exerting its dominance spreads through the human archer's bones.
Yet, he doesn't look away and continues pushing yellow divine threads from his newly saturated core into the white and purple arrow until it's filled with his resolve.
The archer thinks of the Rising Emperor granting him the power to create this attack, and the visual of Luna's face flashes in his mind—reminding him why he chose this path and even left on his journey to become stronger in the first place.
His massive dark hands release their grip, and he lets the True Core enhanced, Demonic Spirit Arrow fly.
Author's Note:
If you're enjoying Dungeon Diver and want to follow Jay on his journey 20+ chapters ahead of schedule, check out the Patreon link in my profile bio.
There's custom chapter art for every new daily upload too!
Thanks for reading:)