Chapter 768

The three commanders have left the moon base with additional teleport crystals and unique containment cases, leaving Bri and Alveron as the only ones standing in the surveillance room to watch the inheritance Abby just claimed.

The silver knight's armor has completely stopped moving, as the yellow slug's true body analyzes all the data its systems managed to gather before the whiteout in the blast.

The complex runes and symbols all over the staff match some of the texts it's seen before, but many are new and unrecognizable. The symbols glow with an ethereal white and green light as Abby's Soul Energy continues to flow through the artifact as if it's an extension of the healer's body.

"An amplifier... That is one of the rarest inheritance types..." the silver knight whispers to himself. It is unknown to Alveron that the Rising Emperor's Soul Weapon is bonded with an artifact of the same classification.

Bri doesn't know either, as she raises a question in response to the creature's rambles.

"Is that how Abby produced such a powerful array of perception? Is it an artifact that increases the holder's magic output?"

Alveron stays silent for a few more seconds, an eternity inside this intelligent monster's mind, before replying.

"That is certainly one of its abilities... but every amplifier is unique. It will depend on the will of the creator of the inheritance. I've never seen a Soul Weapon with so many runes."

Perfect holograms zooming in on the runes all over the staff continue to play in the slug's mind, along with visuals of even smaller carvings layered on the three shimmering rings that spin in different directions around the core of the staff.

There is no external energy making the objects float, as if they have fields of their own gravity as they spin.

Alveron goes silent, and Bri responds to Abby's message as she looks up toward the sky.

"Yes. Good work on distracting the Kings and letting Arie and Raven finish them off. The commanders have been sent down to give them the necessary materials to return; however, I'd like for you to follow them into the unexplored zones near the throne. We have no surveillance or data on this region yet."

Abby nods, floating up into the air above where the wyvern's bones once sat, protecting a burial of artifacts and messages for the future.

"Good. I'm quite curious myself. I couldn't get a look inside the throne..."

She floats forward at a slow pace, back toward the battleground of the generals and the Kings.

Her eyes are focused on the path forward, but her entire mind is captivated by the intricacies inside the staff grasped firmly in her right hand.

It feels warm, and as her Soul Energy continues to explore the meaning of every rune that lights up all over it, her understanding grows, but she also realizes there is so much more she doesn't know.

Each symbol gives off a unique vibration that resonates through her body and soul, holding techniques and arrays that can be pushed outward into the world around her. Though there is a clear separation between her true being and the staff's core.

They are connected and synchronized, but it feels more like a partnership than a true Soul Bond.

She cannot tell if this is what a true Soul Weapon is like or if she is incompatible to merge for some reason. Subconsciously she knows it has something to do with the Cold Vibrations she felt before the inheritance transfer. In addition to this, she wonders about what that Wyvern's voice meant when it said it sensed a Celestial Grade Physique.

Whatever the answers to these questions may be, for now she is satisfied with the loyalty she feels emanating off of this monstrous new power in her grasp. Their wills are aligned and it feels like her strength has been enhanced significantly yet again, right after her enormous boost in power from compressing her True Core.

Abby nears the aftermath of the battleground, seeing Arie and Raven both resting near the corpses of their enemies.

As she begins to descend to the ground again, she lets go of her staff, and it slowly rotates around her as if she is its center of gravity.

Off in the distance, three flashes of white, yellow, and blue light zip their way toward her, as she's timed her arrival to match up with the commanders perfectly, enjoying her slow flight through the demonic clouds that part around her.

Fisher veers off toward Arie, while Lydia heads to Raven.

Monk halts in the center of it all and greets Abby as she touches down. His eyes immediately fall on the staff. He makes his greeting to the healer without taking his eyes off it for even a second.

A problem that was not initially foreseen is the fact that Fisher and Lydia actually can't get too close to the center of the craters where the generals stand.

Arie and Raven have to come to them to receive the resources transported down.

This is because the corpses of the Kings still give off such strong vibrations and radiation that the commanders can't withstand their aura within a few hundred kilometers, even after death.

Incredibly dense, bright white containment cases are used to store the weapons and the large pieces of corpses and bones they can find.

They are made from large deposits of pure Qi and an immense amount of mana to hold the crafts together. When taken out from the commanders' storage, they just look like small white handheld cubes, but they can be expanded by equipping them to the user's item list. By channeling mana into them like a weapon, it activates a feature that lets the cube alter its size and shape temporarily and activate or deactivate one of its sides to allow for storage.

Alveron sent instructions to use the storage skill to hold the items once they are contained.

It becomes clear why when a large amount of the Lich's bones are held in one of the containment cases for too long outside, and it decays its outer walls. This destabilizes one of the containment items and makes it unusable, as the Noble Radiation decays its internal structure.

They are not blood-bonded items, so there is no self-healing feature.

Even these highly advanced crafts can't hold these items for more than a few seconds at a time.

Though, once this is understood, they work well for their purpose.

Arie stores his looted bow inside one of the boxes quickly and lets it fall into his borrowed item storage skill.

Once floating inside a state of suspended animation, the deterioration process halts.

Raven does the same, using two separate white boxes to store her looted blades, along with one of the fists of the berserker.

The rest of the red giant is contained in a few separate cases, which are swiftly transferred to the commanders using the World Wide Connectivity System's trading feature.

All of the scattered and fractured pieces of the Lich's bones are collected and transferred too.

Arie's head is pounding again, and his body has become searing hot from taking even a few moments away from concentrating on the overflow of essence in his body.

Raven is pale and clearly exhausted as well.

Abby's gaze lands on them, considering healing them both back to their normal states with ease. However, she understands that it would alter their bonding process with their future Soul Weapons so she refrains from doing so.

The two leave Kelfar and return to their cultivation rooms on the moon bases the moment their jobs are done and the commanders can freely walk around the blast zones without being suppressed by any leftover radiation.

Monk comes up with one comment to Abby after the two flashes of light from the other generals take them away.

"These are what the Saint called glyphs. I've seen descriptions of them, but never a true glyph imbued in an artifact. They can create arrays, hold stored knowledge and transmit Qi-based techniques. Well—not all of them— I can't decipher many of them. But some of the ones I can read, I've seen copies of these symbols before on the human world."

Abby turns away from looking at the throne and over to Monk.

"Yes, I don't know how I know it, but I have a basic understanding of many of these symbols. It's like new fuzzy memories are appearing in the back of my mind. The only one I tried so far is this..."

Abby's eyes glow green as she closes them, and the orb atop the staff pulses again; a small portion of the symbols on the staff ripple with energy, then go dark as a wave of aura travels throughout the entire world again.

Once it meets itself on the other side of the world, it vanishes in a yellow shimmer just like before.

It's thin and very subtle—Fisher and Lydia, who are in the same region as them, don't even feel it—but Abby sees every particle of the world as though she's thoroughly inspected it with an All-Seeing Eye skill, up close and personal.

When she opens her eyes again, she looks back at Monk.

"The other abilities don't seem suitable to test out with humans nearby that could get hurt."

Monk begins to sweat and just nods lightly, as Abby has never been so intimidating in his eyes.

She has a new presence about her as she looks away back toward the throne, speaks through the link to the three commanders, and floats up into the air.

"Come on, let's check out what those Kings were hiding... I still can't see inside... but around the throne itself, I would prepare yourself for quite the gruesome sight."

At this time, Bri receives a few pings in her inner ear.

The first few are transfer receipts, confirming the two generals have made it back to their cultivation chambers and are requesting goods to complete their Soul Weapons' crafts and assimilation process.

The next few are from the Rising Emperor in the Upper Realm, sending her a large packet of data on a High Orc's testing and analysis of various Soul Weapons from its last 103,000 years of life.

Along with this information, a message is received that she must notify the generals to be ready to ascend in ten days...

However, the most unexpected message of them all comes from one of the moon bases that she hasn't heard from in months, and it's a reply to her earlier transmission.

Maria's voice rings in her inner ear.

"I was in such deep focus, I lost track of time... How much longer do we have now? I've gathered enough divine threads to wrap this up any time I wish."


Author's Note:

If you're enjoying Dungeon Diver and want to follow Jay on his journey 20+ chapters ahead of schedule, check out the Patreon link in my profile bio.

There's custom chapter art for every new daily upload too!

Thanks for reading:)
