A pleasant winter greeting

I had written on one side of the diary that waiting is the foundation of bonding. Although the first story I started as a webtoon writer was unsuccessful, the second story received quite a good response from the audience. My days are filled with nonsense. There is no response from the friend who said, "Even if we die, we will be together, right?" I have no anger toward anyone.

No matter what my life was like, I was a student at the university with the highest marks. And the online paintings are selling like crazy. I was able to make the house we were renting our own. He didn't respond, so I texted him once a week. A Yoshie brother also went to find the address he gave me. But it was found that he was not in that house, and only his father was there.

What really happened to Duho? It still puzzles me. Sometimes, remembering him, I sit by the sakura tree and weep. I used to write my poetry diary under the night sky, in the cherry blossoms.

After a long and restless life, I chose today to go see a concert by my favorite band to free myself from the monotony of life. I quickly prepared the food, collected the medicine for grandma, said goodbye to her, and left.

I have a habit of smiling at nothing. So no one knows my problems. But there is no question that Yoshie does not know. Thinking like that, I ran to Yoshie's house.

Yoshi, where are you? "Shall we go?"

"Yeah, girl. I bought this little book, "Take a sign."

I feel that Exo's concert in the cold of December is like a hot cup of coffee on a cold day. The venue of the concert in Seoul was beautifully decorated... For a while, it was flooded with young people. Yoshi and I got to sit in the third row because Yoshi had taken the VIP ticket. Her brother also works as a k-pop artist manager at a famous entertainment agency. So we can easily watch K-pop shows.

"Oh, I'm lucky to have a friend like you, honey," I said, hugging Yoshi.

"Then you'll have to treat me well." The next concert is a girl's band. "Shall we go see that too?"

"Let's go, Yoshi," I said happily.

From the beginning of the show, I felt like a lonely star in the sky. The flasher light was colorful, just like the little stars in the sky. I enjoyed the show as much as they did. As the songs were sung one by one, I found myself in different worlds. Exo sang the promised song. I forgot everything.

I felt like everything was dark and there was only the band and me. Chanyeol's rap lyrics are mixed together. I felt like I was swimming there. I became increasingly engrossed in the memory of Du Ho as EXO sang the promised song. I remember the time I spent with him and how I laughed happily. Your tears fell like rain. I'm starting to miss Du Ho.

"Ayoung... can you hear me?" "What happened to you?" "Why is this...?" I was shocked and came to my senses.

"Aye, Ayoung is crying. "Can you tell me what happened?" Yoshie asked me again and again.

"I'm fine, Yoshie; I remembered Du Ho."

"Forget about that; let's go and eat now." my brother is downstairs. He said that the gift for both of us was ready.

Yoshie and I giggled happily. After the concert, we came back with a sign from EXO. There was a lack of people at night because of the cold.

When we were most hungry, we both went to a small shop to taste a portion. We both ordered black bean noodles and soju with fried chicken. We sat on the small circular bench and waited with our stomachs until some food came.

"Shall we leave now, Ayoung?"

"You go. "Shall I go to Namsam for a while?"

"I'll go. Yul said he was waiting for me.

"Okay, Yoshi, be careful."

"Ayoung, tell me if there's a problem."

After she left, I took a taxi and went to Namsam.

I don't know what will happen today. But I hesitated in my mind. It was only a few years later that I saw the whole city of Seoul transformed for Christmas. I haven't been to N. Seoul Tower in a while. I was on the list five times to experience the wonder of Christmas. The road to N Seoul Tower is especially lovely at Christmas. On Christmas day, the tower is full of lovers. Slowly, I went and enjoyed the Christmas wonder of the whole city of Seoul from the upper floor of the tower. Lovers take as many beautiful couple photos as they want. The children are reaching out their hands and whispering to their mothers with love.

Christmas is a wonderful festival where everyone is surrounded by love. It's a day to eat, drink, sing, and dance with your loved ones. Even on a day like today, I feel your absence.

We promised to go to the N. Seoul Tower one day during our stay in Jeju. Today I am alone; you and I are not together. After enjoying the beauty of the city, I came down and sat near a small Rabokki shop and remembered the past while eating Rabokki.

Meanwhile, my phone rang. I answered because it was a random number.

"Hello...my ayonung..?? "Why are you eating raibokki while crying?" My young girl misses me.

The spoon fell to the ground. All the sounds stopped at once. The heart started beating fast. My whole body was seized with a strange cold. Tears fell like rain. I listened for a while without saying anything. That's Du Ho's voice. It's the same voice that I've been hearing for a whole year.

Even though I had everything, it was the only wish that I felt was missing.

"Ayoung... Ayoung... are you mad?" I'm in front of you. Don't you even look at me? "Are you angry?"

"Where are you?" Oh, I won't show you...

"Girl, I'm here; "Du Ho waved to me from the side of Seoul Tower Road. That face I haven't seen in a year. how can I forget the best friend I've ever had? I ran to him like a madman. I didn't even check if there were any vehicles on the road. All of a sudden, I bumped into the bike that was speeding away. Everything turned red, and my eyes became blurry. I saw Duho running, saying "Ayoung."

When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed. Halmoni, Yoshi, Yul, and Duho were around me.

"My child, how are you now?" She's sobbing like a baby. We are concerned about you.

"I'm fine, Grandma." "Don't worry about me."

"Yes, you're not in too much danger; your leg is only slightly damaged." After a week, you should be able to walk normally. "We'll send you home first thing tomorrow morning."

"Okay, doctor! I'll stay with Ayoung. Yoshi, can you take Grandma home?

"Okay, Duho."The next morning, Ayoung and Duho, we'll arrive early."

Grandma and Yoshi Yul left. I was near, but I was lost. Touching my head, Duho asked,

"Doesn't there seem to be a problem, my crybaby?"

I drew him in and embraced him firmly. He was cursed by me. I remembered that I was expecting a response. I calmed down after uttering everything in my heart. He seemed to be astonished and soothed by what I said.

"I apologize, Ayoung. I landed in Tokyo last week... until I had to depart for the aforementioned project. Uncle Naru handed me all of the sketches you sent when I got home.

"Don't talk about the old stuff. Now you're here. But how did Du Ho know I was here?

"Uncle Naru gave me the address of Ayeoung's friend's brother." I just came to Seoul today. I asked him and went to Yoshie's house.

He said you were here.

"Forget that now. Does your leg hurt?" Duho asked me that while touching my broken leg.

"Why do you act like a fool?" "You are like a child."

"I want to go to Namsam again. Duho"

"Tomorrow I will go with you." Now sleep.". I went to sleep holding his hand.

He was sleeping next to my bed when I woke up in the morning. When he sleeps, he resembles a little baby. I got up slowly and I whispered good morning close to his ear.

"You don't have a problem now, do you?"

"I'm fine, my Duho."

"Good morning. You two can go to this now. Fill out this forum and leave."

"Okay nurse"

"Ayoung, you stay here until I finish this."

He behaves like a mature boy. I was proud of him. I was put in a wheelchair as I could hardly walk. Both of us got ready to come home by taxi.

"Mister, will you take us to Namsam first?"

"good sir"

"Duho, I can't walk."

"Do you remember when you hurt your leg as a child and I carried you home on my back?" "It's the same today."

When we arrived in Namsam, he carried me on his back and brought me to view the sights. I returned home after consuming hot Ramen.

I've never received a Christmas present before, but this year I received a warm and kind gift. I couldn't walk properly for a long. Duho was there to assist me. Duho stayed with us and assisted us.

"My son, are your father and grandma well now?"

"Yeah, they're fine, in Nagasaki with the grandparents. "Dad's in Tokyo; I'm in Kyoto."

"Very well, that's good to hear."

"Here is the food I made; taste it and tell me."

I also slowly approached the dining table to taste the food prepared by Duho.

"Delicious. "Good for the future, lady, isn't it, Halmoni?"

"Yes, very deliciously cooked. "Can't you be my son-in-law, son?"

Both of us were speechless by Halmoni's story. I swallowed the food unconsciously.