Finding Solace in Seorae Village, but Trouble Follows

Amidst the chaos of rumors and accusations, the protagonist finds solace in the idea of starting over. With the weight of judgmental gazes and pointed fingers becoming too much to bear, I decided to pack my bags and leave. Seorae village, with its quaint streets and charming atmosphere, seems like the perfect escape. It's a place where I can finally catch my breath and focus on my own needs. With this newfound freedom, I decided to indulge in my favorite pastime: reading webtoons and online works. With only Suha and Yoshie in the know, I relish the anonymity of my new life. However, just when I thought I had everything figured out, an unexpected meeting turned my world upside down.

Ding dong, the doorbell rang. I was listening to music and left the door.

"Here we come!" Yoshie Yull Suha shouted, saying, "Oh, have you come?" I asked happily.

Yull Yoshie walked into Suha's house and ran around like a child before saying "Yes, we are staying for a week".

After talking for a while, the doorbell rang again.

"We also came. But it was a little late. It was none other than Kim and Byung.

"When did you come? You didn't even tell me."

"I'm sorry, Ayoung; your flower prince said not to tell us."

When I looked out the door, Min was covering his face with flowers.

He pulled me into a hug, kissed my forehead, and asked, "Didn't you see me?" My face turned red. I saw him after a while, so I held his face with my hand and waited for a while.

"I noticed.."

"We haven't seen you guy !! hah hah ha."

Saying and smiling, Kim and Byung went to the living room.

He was full of happiness that day.

I also went to Minsu Balcony and tasted a hot cup of coffee.

"Isn't it beautiful here?" I asked.

"Yes, I would like to stay in Seorae village too." "Should I transfer here, Ayoung?"

"No, you should go to Seoul and do the work."

"why you come soon ?"

"I just finished the work and came. It's useless to walk there without you because I want to see you too."

My heart ached as he spoke those words. The love and pain in his eyes were too much to bear. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and tell him that everything would be okay and that I would always be there for him. But deep down, I knew that his troubles were not something that could be easily fixed. I felt helpless, unable to do anything but listen to him pour his heart out. And then he mentioned the words from Chungcheongnam, and I understood why he had to endure all of this. His love for me was greater than any hardship he could face, and I was determined to be by his side, no matter what.

"Min, Are you worried because of me?"

He comforted me by saying, "Don't be crazy; come here. You are the only place where I feel comfortable."

"Ayoung, Minsu doesn't have work today. That's why he's with you. We'll go."

"Baby, I'll stay with you for a while."

"All of you stay today night. When you leave, take this crazy child with you."

We spent the night laughing and having fun. He was sleeping like a child with his head on my lap.

"Min, since when did you become so clingy?"

"Since you came to me"

"my little boy, Don't want sleep"

"no, I want to watch your face all day"

As I woke up the next day, I saw him sleeping next to me. I couldn't resist the urge to kiss him again. His warm lips were so comforting and familiar. Being with him made me forget all the worries and problems that had been weighing me down. As he got ready to leave for Seoul, I knew that I would miss this peaceful moment, but I also knew that I would hold onto it tightly in my heart. I couldn't wait to see what the future held for us. Everyone was ready to go to Seoul.

"Be careful. I'll come soon."

Believing in his promise, I filled my eyes with tears and waited for him to go.

When they all left, I felt lost again. After a while, I got used to that loss. I stared at the sky until new thoughts came to me.

Loving an idol was not easy. But I tried to do those tasks to the best of my ability. I always wondered how I could take care of him.

After some time, I went to the Seorae Village Market. I was slowly walking home with the things I needed. When I got a little far, I felt someone coming behind me. My heart began to beat faster as I walked, feeling like someone was watching my every move. I tried to shake off the feeling and continued on my way, but the sensation persisted. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me, quickening in pace. I spun around, but no one was there. Fear and panic gripped me as I clutched my bags tightly and quickened my pace. The footsteps continued to follow me, becoming louder and closer with every passing second. I tried to run, but my legs felt like they were made of lead. Finally, I reached my apartment and rushed inside, slamming the door shut and locking it behind me. As I leaned against the door, gasping for breath, I couldn't shake the feeling that whoever was following me was still out there, lurking in the shadows. When I picked up the phone and tried to call Yoshie, I saw a message from her.

"Me and Yull are going to Japan. Get permission from our family to discuss our relationship. I will call you after I go to Japan. Till then, be careful. Love."

I didn't call because I didn't want to bother her. I closed all the windows in the house and put curtains up. After that, my fear subsided a little.

phone rang. I was startled. It was Moon. I answered after wiping my tears.

"Hey, this is a video call."

"I wanted to see you."

His call felt like a blessing to my troubled mind. He was always there for me when I was sad. He wanted to tell me that someone came behind me, but I didn't. I give him too much trouble.



"Look what I made."

Min showed a lump.

"Ha ha ha, what is this?"

"I made a cake all by myself to send you."

I couldn't stop laughing. He is not a cake but a stone. someone came to Min Su's house while we were talking. "Wait a minute, I will come and see who it is," he said, and he ran away holding the phone, but it was not disconnected.

"Min Su, these issues are going too far. Therefore, stop this relationship; otherwise, you will have to leave this field."

I heard someone saying... But it was not a familiar sound. I hung up and cried a lot.

"Stop this, Ayyoung!" I said to myself. Before I knew it, I fell asleep while crying. When I woke up,

As tears streamed down my face, I fell into a deep slumber. When I awoke, the night sky enveloped the world outside. My stomach growled with hunger, urging me to head to the kitchen. As I sliced salt with a trembling hand, the sound of a deafening bang on the door reverberated through my tiny apartment. My heart raced with fear as I nicked my finger with the knife. Ignoring the pain, I crept to the door and peered through the peephole. A rugged man with jet-black hair glared back at me. My instincts told me to lock all the doors, so I quickly obeyed and scurried back to my room, hiding behind the closed door. His incessant pounding sent shivers down my spine.

I fumbled for my phone, dialing the emergency number with shaky fingers. My words were incoherent as I tried to explain the situation, but they promised to send help. As the minutes ticked by, my finger continued to bleed profusely, but I couldn't find any medicine in the living room. Desperate for help, I dialed my friend Suha's number, but there was no answer. The banging on the door grew louder, and I could feel my body weakening.

In a last-ditch effort, I managed to send a message to my friend Byun, hoping that he would come to my rescue. But as the seconds slipped away, I knew that it might be too late. I could feel my body giving up, and I prayed for a miracle. When I woke up, I was in a bed in a hospital. There was a policewoman and Kim, Min.

"She opened her eyes."

"Don't be afraid, Safety."

"Thank you"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Ayeonung. I couldn't take care of you."

"Kim, what happened to me?" Who is that man?"

"Ah Ayeoung" when he was about to say

"You don't need to send it, boys." Min jumped in the middle.

"I want to go home."

"Again, you are not going to Seorae. You are going to our house with me."

"I can't be with you. I'll be alone."

"Baby, why are you doing this to me? Please be with me."

My eyes filled with tears at these words. But I didn't want to cause him any more trouble.