Unspoken Bonds

After dinner, I began the slow process of preparing to return home with Ha Joon by my side. The weight of Minsu's silence weighed heavily on my heart, and I couldn't help but question the reasons behind his sudden withdrawal.

"Joon, has Minsu come home?" I inquired, hoping for some insight.

"Hmm, he arrives about five minutes after you leave the house," Ha Joon replied, his voice tinged with concern.

"Joon, why hasn't Minsu spoken to me even once since returning from the army?" I asked, my gaze fixated on the image of Minsu on my phone wallpaper.

"Nuna, when I asked Minsu about it, he said we would talk later. But Mom urged him to marry you and live freely," Ha Joon revealed, his words laden with a mix of understanding and empathy.

"Joon, it's a dream for me and him to live together. Being an idol, he can't always do as he pleases," I sighed, grappling with the complexities of our situation.

"Nuna, personal life and professional life are two separate things. If he lives solely by the expectations of fans and the agency, he'll always be unhappy," Ha Joon reasoned, his voice filled with a wisdom beyond his years. "Come, let's head home."

"Thank you, Joon, for taking care of me," I expressed my gratitude, appreciating the unwavering support he provided.

"Don't dwell on these thoughts too much. I'll talk to Minsu once more. For now, I should be on my way," Ha Joon assured me, his words offering a glimmer of hope.

"Where are you going at this hour? It's late. Stay at my place tonight and leave in the morning. Otherwise, Mother will scold me," I suggested, hoping to alleviate his worries.

"Hmm, if you insist, I'll stay at your house," Ha Joon relented, acknowledging my concern.

We made our way to my house, and I showed him to the room. I entered and closed the door, my mind consumed by thoughts of why Minsu had remained silent. Exhaustion finally took hold, and I drifted off to sleep, longing for answers.

The next morning, I awoke early, preparing breakfast for both Ha Joon and myself before getting ready for work.

"Joon, wake up and come eat. I'll be late," I called out, stepping outside to head to the office.

"Madam, someone has come to meet you. I didn't allow them in because I wasn't aware," the guard informed me, mentioning the security measures in place after the incident in Seorae Village.

The incident in Seorae Village still lingered as an unsolved mystery, casting a shadow of caution over my life.

"I'm Ayoung. Can you tell me who it is?" I inquired, curious about the unexpected visitor.

"I am Ren Cha. Lawyer Kang send me," the visitor introduced himself.

Ah, he must be my driver, I realized. "Ah, come in. Lawyer Kang mentioned your arrival. My apologies for the confusion," I said, handing him the key.

"Are you live here?" I asked, seeking clarity about his role.

"Madam, I am residing in Yongsan-gu, Gangnam, with my daughter," he replied. From his story, I gathered that his wife was no longer with them. My heart ached at the realization that they were enduring difficult circumstances.

I probed further, inquiring about his family. He shared the details with me, and it became evident that they were struggling.

My desire to help them grew stronger.

I informed Lawyer Kang that I would cover all expenses for his daughter's education, a small gesture to alleviate their burdens. Having experienced hardship during my own childhood, I empathized deeply with their situation.

I saw how I suffered as a child. " Tell your daughter to visit our house one day," I suggested, extending a hand of friendship and support.

In the month of April, Seoul was abuzz with preparations for spring. Cherry blossom festivals were in full swing, drawing crowds eager to witness the beauty of the delicate blooms. Ren Cha and I found ourselves on the road leading to the Jinhae Cherry Blossom Festival.

"Stop here," I instructed Ren Cha, observing the joyous scenes of loved ones immersed in the festivities from the comfort of our car.

"Everywhere looks beautiful these days, ma'am. You should go and see," Ren Cha suggested.

"I have plenty of work, Uncle Cha. It's not about the workload; it's simply that I don't feel like going," I replied, a touch of melancholy tainting my voice.

Suddenly, my phone rang, interrupting our conversation. It was none other than the Webtoon team. After the call, they informed me, "Congratulations! You've been nominated for the Best Web Script. Get ready for the 25th." The news brought a flicker of happiness, but the emptiness I often felt persisted. I shared my thoughts with Du Ho whenever possible, encouraging him to take a break from work and go on a vacation. I suggested that we could go mountain climbing after my business trip, knowing that I had no one else to turn to.

It had been a while since I painted a scenery. I made myself a bowl of ramen, grabbed a bottle of soju, and retreated to the balcony. Seated there, I let the night sky inspire me, painting a sakura tree amidst clouds, a man strolling beneath it, and a girl sitting atop a building, gazing at the sky, savoring soju and ramen. By the time I finished the painting, dawn had arrived, and I fell asleep with my head resting against the bin bag.

I awoke to the warmth of the sun on my face and the distant sound of cars. It was already past 10 o'clock. Glancing at my phone, I noticed ten missed calls from Byung Ho. As I attempted to call him back, the phone lost signal. My time in Seoul was dwindling, and the impending trip to England loomed ahead. Even though Minsu had returned, he hadn't come to see me or engage in any conversation. Joon informed me that he had started working, but there had been no inquiries about my well-being.

Lost in my thoughts, the doorbell broke my reverie. Opening the door, I found Lawyer Kang standing before me.

"I apologize for the intrusion, Ayoung," he greeted me.

"MissAyoung, we need to leave for England on the 24th to meet our business partners," Lawyer Kang informed me.

"But I have an award ceremony," I protested.

"Let Secretary Yuri attend on your behalf. Our presence is required for the business partner meeting," he explained.

With only one day left in Seoul, the arrival of spring felt bittersweet. Determined, I muttered to myself, "Perhaps it's been waiting. I will go and search for it." I called Jang and Byung Ho, but they did not answer. Fueled by frustration, I resolved to depart for England immediately. I packed only the essentials and embarked on my journey. I made a firm decision not to look at my phone again.

After the business partner meeting, I embarked on a trip with Lawyer Kang to England. It offered an opportunity for new contracts and projects. Though unfamiliar with the intricacies of business, Du Ho shared his knowledge of Japanese with me. Sakura Sung, a former colleague of his, joined as my personal assistant. Today, I was set to meet her and begin this new chapter of my journey.