Love Blooms in Spring

"Are you angry with me?" I asked, my voice filled with uncertainty and vulnerability.

"No... let's go on a trip," Minsu replied, his eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint. He gently tugged at my hand, urging me to follow him. I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and curiosity. Where were we going? What surprise did he have in store for me?

We arrived at his party in Gangnam, and as we pulled up, I hesitated. "You go inside. I'll get out of the car later," I suggested, the memories of our previous encounter flooding my mind.

Minsu grasped my hand firmly, assuring me, "Ayoung, don't be afraid of anything from today. Come on." With his support, I stepped out of the car, my apprehension slowly dissipating.

"Shaa, take Miss Ayoung to the dressing room," Minsu instructed, and I obediently followed Shaa's lead. As we walked, she handed me a beautifully wrapped box with a red ribbon. "Ayoung here is Minsu's gift," she said, her eyes shimmering with warmth.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I opened the box, revealing an exquisite dress that perfectly matched my style and beauty. The bracelet and necklace he had given me before completing the ensemble, made me feel truly radiant.

"How stunning you look, Ayoung, like Cinderella today," Shaa exclaimed as we made our way into the party. To my surprise and delight, I spotted Yull, Yoshie, Hajoon, Byung, and Jang among the guests. "Did you guys come too?" I asked, a wide smile spreading across my face.

"We are here to surprise you. You look beautiful today," Yoshie replied, her voice filled with admiration. The evening continued with a delightful array of performances by various artists, and I eagerly awaited Minsu's turn.

As the night progressed, the entire hall suddenly plunged into darkness, except for a single spotlight that illuminated Minsu sitting on a chair, holding a guitar in his hands. My heart fluttered with anticipation.

"On this beautiful night, I will reveal my deepest secret to my beloved," Minsu declared, his voice resonating through the room. The world held its breath, captivated by his words and melody.

Love's Enchantment by Minsu (song)

I wandered through the city, hoping to find

A glimpse of the beauty that would ease my troubled mind

But all I saw was darkness, a world painted in black

Walking with despair, tears stream the ing down my track

I felt the weight of hopelessness, a heavy burden to bear

Knowing deep inside, my end was drawing near

But then I saw a change, the environment transformed

A newfound beauty embraced me, like a love reborn

I basked in the splendor of the city one last time

Before my final breath, I cherished the sublime

I dreamt of escaping, hiding from the world's disdain

But then I saw a fairy, who showed me light again

Her eyes, so big and beautiful, they captured my soul

Her hair danced in the wind, a sight to behold

Love's enchantment bewitched me, I couldn't look away

Her smile lit up the world, chasing darkness away

She vowed to bring me back to life, to heal my wounded heart

In my moments of despair, she played the soothing part

In secrecy, I cherished her, my love so pure and true

Oh, how I longed to be with her, my heart it always knew

Oh, my baby girl, the princess I adore

But when the world discovered, they turned against us more

She left me behind, and life grew harder each day

Yet I traveled to Yudhapitiya, where everything would sway

To find a way out, an escape from this strife

But her love carried me through, a reason to strive

I ventured to her world, in search of my lost love

There beneath a sakura tree, she wept, pain enough

With a kiss, I brought spring to our world, you see

Love blossomed anew, between her and me

She was my first love, an artist of my life's hue

A fairy in my existence, painting dreams that came true

Together, we danced in the rain, soaked in love's embrace

Like the moon and its princess, in a celestial chase

Oh, moon princess, forever you shall be mine

Kiss me with your love, let our souls entwine

Naaa Naaa mmmmm

None of us knew what he was about to say, but we sensed that something monumental was about to unfold. Minsu poured his heart out, sharing his love and his journey, accompanied by the hauntingly beautiful tune he played on the guitar.

I closed my eyes and listened, tears streaming down my cheeks, as his words carried the weight of love, pain, and redemption. It was a song that spoke of hope, resilience, and the transformative power of love. At that moment, I felt an indescribable mixture of emotions coursing through me.

When the song came to an end, Yoshie leaned on Yull's shoulder, his tears flowing freely. The room was filled with a profound silence, broken only by the sound of my heartbeat.

"Hello, everyone. This song tells you my true story. How I found my love," Minsu announced, his voice filled with conviction. "So, before spring, I got engaged to her." The tears kept cascading down my face as I absorbed the magnitude of his words. Happiness overwhelmed me, and I knew that our love story was just beginning.

After the party concluded, I waited for Minsu in the car, my heart racing with anticipation. As he stepped into the car, he asked, "Am I late?" I leaned my head on his shoulder,

intertwining our fingers.

"Shall we go for a walk?" I suggested softly, my mind filled with countless things I wanted to express, yet my heart was too overwhelmed to find the words.

"Ayoung, Let's go home. I will take you to a beautiful place tomorrow," Minsu comforted me, his voice infused with warmth and reassurance. Sometime later, I found myself at Minsu's apartment. As I walked in, he embraced me from behind, his arms enveloping me in a cocoon of love and safety.

"Ayoung," he whispered tenderly, his voice filled with affection. I looked into his eyes, captivated by the depth of his gaze.

"Yes?" I responded my voice barely above a whisper, my heart pounding in my chest.

He gently took my hand and led me to the balcony, where the breathtaking view of Seoul at night unfolded before us. "Would you make me the luckiest man, my Cinderella?" he asked, his voice overflowing with love and devotion.

Overwhelmed by the sincerity in his eyes, I couldn't find it in me to say anything but a resounding yes. With tears of joy streaming down my face, I wrapped my arms around him, sealing our love with a tender kiss.

"Good morning, Min," I whispered, my lips brushing against his. "Let's go for a walk today," he suggested, his voice filled with anticipation. Together, we embarked on a journey of love, our souls intertwined, experiencing a love that transcended all boundaries.

Our love story became the talk of the town, a testament to the power of true love. Minsu accompanied me on my trip to Japan, and I realized that I never wanted to be apart from him.

Time passed swiftly, and as the seasons changed, so did our love. We faced the trials and tribulations of life together, knowing that with each challenge, our bond grew stronger. The difficult times slowly faded into the background, replaced by the vibrant colors of spring.

My life flowed like a river, embracing the beauty of every moment, cherishing the love that had blossomed within me. Minsu became my guiding light, and I, his eternal moon princess, basking in the warmth of his love.

In his arms, I found solace and a renewed zest for life. His smile had the power to transform the world around us, and he showered me with unwavering support and affection, mending the wounds that had once plagued my heart.

Our love became a symphony, each note resonating with the purest form of love and devotion. And as we walked hand in hand, our love story became a beacon of hope, inspiring those who witnessed it.

Together, we discovered that love, in all its complexities, had the power to heal, uplift, and create magic. And in that spring of our lives, we found our happily ever after, bound by a love that would endure for eternity.