143 Baiting

When Simon showed up to join us, we were all ready to go and when he saw us he got super excited.

"Oh! My! Gosh! Ladies! Let's go have some fun tonight!" He shouts as we head to my car.

I explained to the Lirael and Alyssa at the house what had happened, so now we explained to Simon what we would be doing.

"Oh I hope this motherfucker follows you in. He'll get so much more than just embarrassed tonight sweethearts. I don't give a damn, I will go flirt with Mr. paid stalker and really make his ass uncomfortable, if you know what I mean." Simon winks and has all of us giggling in our seats as we head to the first place, which is a bar and grill. While I could not drink, everyone else could, Lirael and Alyssa having pumped ahead of time and had formula to help if that was not enough until the alcohol was out of their system.

Sure enough about a mile after we had left the house, Lirael spotted the white Toyota following us. While at the restaurant, I know he had entered the restaurant and was watching us from somewhere. It took all my willpower to act as if I knew nothing, but Simon helped make it easier as he was a riot, flirting with the waiter who was old enough to be his mother, who enjoyed returning his banter.

"Hey there, Debbie, is there anything as hot as you on the menu?" Simon winks when the waitress comes back with our drinks and to take our order.

She laughs, "Darlin, if there was, we'd have the fire department in here instead of patrons. So what can I get started for you all?"

"Ohh... you are spicy, I love it!" Simon winks at her with a giant grin on his face, "I'll have the chicken fajitas please."

We all give her our orders and are giggling like school girls with Simons antics. Every time Debbie came by to check on us, she'd be rolling her eyes comically or smile and ask Simon if he was ready to find out how spicy he really wants the fajitas to be. He actually blushed and was caught off guard by that.

We were having a blast teasing Simon after that. We left her a nice tip afterwards and then headed to the sex shop and lingerie store. The place was pretty big, with tons of stuff to look at. The people working there thought we were a riot. Lirael kept looking at some of the paddles and the other impact play items.

"Simon, come here and bend over. I'm going to test these out on you really quick." Lirael pointed to an open spot in the store.

Simon turned a whimpering, frightened, sad, puppy face to us and we all started covering our mouths trying to suppress our laughter.

He trudged over like a petulant child and bent over. Lirael tested the flogger first and Simon squeaked.

"Oh... I think I liked that! Do it again!" He said looking over his shoulder at her and grinning.

Lirael eyes grew hard and cold like ice, a challenge being sent out to Simon who's face fell and he swallowed hard. "Thank you mistress." He mumbles, looking to the floor.

Alyssa leans over and whispers, "Damn, Lirael has a presence about her that just demands doesn't she?"

I scoff, whispering back, "What did you expect? She's a Domme."

Alyssa's eyebrows tried touching her hairline at that revelation. "That explains a lot actually.." She mumbles as he brows drop back down.

"Oh! Thank you mistress!" Simon calls out as Lirael tests the paddle on him.

The employees are cracking up, as Simon rubs his ass cheek afterwards and Lirael decides to buy the paddle.

The door opens and this posh, red haired, middle aged woman comes walking in, looking extremely embarrassed but determined. One of the employees walks up to her to ask her if she needs help but she tells her she'd like to look around first.

I see the way Lirael eyes her up and down and licks her lips and can't help but grin and side eye her. I mouth to Lirael, BEHAVE.

Lirael shrugs, face scrunching at the suggestion, WHY? She mouths back at me. SHE'S HOT.

I roll my eyes and mouth WHATEVER. Chuckling, I turn to look at some of the toys that I had been earlier.

The woman slowly makes her way over to me, scanning everything like she's lost. She notices me looking at her and she blushes.

"They sure do have a lot of options, don't they?" She quickly releases an awkward laugh before avoiding my eyes.

"Yes, it's a little overwhelming isn't it?" I respond, which makes her nod and smile shyly at me.

"Yes, it is. I don't even know what I'm really needing." She says shaking her head. "How do I ask an employee that I need all the equipment for a naughty night to surprise my boyfriend?"

"Well, what is he into? Maybe I can help. I was interested in some of the more extreme enjoyments but had never experienced it till I met my now husband. I know what it's like to be in your shoes." I offer her.

She turns to me a little surprised, "Really? Thank you. I would greatly appreciate it. Um.. he's into" she says in a quieter voice, "bondage. He said he wants to tie me up and restrain me while he ... well you know," she clears her throat softly, "fucks me like crazy." She turns three different shades of red before she adds, "I just don't want anything that will cut off my circulation or that if need be, I could get out of myself."

"Do you not trust your boyfriend to do this?" I ask her quietly.

"No, I do. He's the only one I will ever trust to do this.. it's just.. some of the things I've experienced in life... cause me to react in ways that's not always pleasant and can ruin a good time."

"Did you go through something traumatic?" I ask her. She nods, not explaining.

I pull out my billfold, and pull out one of Brian's cards. "Here this is the best person to see about that. Everyone that's ever gone to him has nothing but great things to say. In fact, my friend, the one with the black hair, used to have problems with being in a relationship. She's married and has a baby now. Maybe, he can help."

She grimaces, "I don't know... I am not a fan of doctors and do not want to take medication."

"You don't have to worry about that. He doesn't prescribe medication unless all other techniques to try and help fail. Plus, he wouldn't ever prescribe them to someone who doesn't want to take them."

She analyzes me for a moment, "You seem to know his practices very well."

"I should," I laugh, "he's my husband." I pat her arm, "Put it in your purse, just give it some thought. Now, I think I know of a few options that would be right for you."

I show her some restraints and tell her which ones are comfortable for long periods of time. I then show her some of my favorite toys that I like Brian using on me. I do tell her that it does take some trial and error. What I like, she might not, that sometimes you just pick out a variety and see what you like.

"Thank you so much.." She fades off, "I'm sorry, I just realized we never introduced ourselves. I'm Melita."

"I'm glad I could help, Melita, I'm Sarina."

"And I'm Lirael..." Lirael purrs over my shoulder at her, making her eyes widen and her cheeks turn flushed.

"Pay her no mind, I'm Alyssa." Alyssa pops in, booty bumping Lirael in a joking manner.

"And I'm Simon." Simon puts his arms around all three of us, "You're cute. Want to come have fun with us? We're going to the club after this!" Simon starts making beat box dance music and dancing.

"Oh... I don't know... I've never really been to a..." She stops, "You know what. Sure I'll go. Why the hell not?" She giggles.

"Great!" Simon exclaims, "Well ladies, let's complete our purrr-chases and go watch some dancing!"

Melita looks down at her outfit, "Is this outfit going to make me stick out?"

Alyssa pffts, "Hell yes, but trust me where we are going it's a good thing!" She heads up to the register with a box of her own and my heart pains for her and is slightly relieved that she's making steps to recovering herself from the loss of my brother.

"Where are we going exactly?" Melita asks, holding her items while we wait for the others to finish their transactions.

"Here, give me your number and I'll send you the map link." I offer her.

"It's 214..."

Within the next ten minutes, we were all on our way, our new friend wedged in with us.

"So why don't you drive?" Simon inquires from the very back of my SUV.

"Well, I never learned for one, but I've always been comfortable calling a cab, before I would walk or use public transportation. I just never really gave it much thought." She shrugs.

"So where do you live Mel?" Alyssa asks, adding, "I live outside of McKinney, while Simon and Lirael live in McKinney. Sarina lives in the Fairview area."

Melita shuffles in her seat, "I live in the Mansion Park area."

"That's a coveted area, congratulations." I pipe up noticing her discomfort. "You must have gotten lucky like I did when I purchased my building in the Dealy Plaza area."

"I thought you lived in Fairview?" Melita asks, confused.

"I do. My business is there though."

Lirael beams from the front seat, "Sarina here is an amazing jeweler and artist. You should go by it sometime."

"I shall, you'll have to give me a card." She smiles.

"We got him hooked ladies!" Simon says from the back, causing us all to cheer.

"Who's hooked?" Mel asks confused.

We give Melita the run down on what's going on and she looks nervous but excited. "Oh.. This night just continues with excitement!" She claps as we pull up to the place.

"Are you ready to have a feast for your eyes, sweet little Melita!" Simon exclaims as we head for the door.

Lirael and me exchanged humored repressed smirks, realizing that Melita was a bit naïve and awkward. She must have been sheltered most of her life. I'm honestly surprised she has a boyfriend and an adventurous one at that.

Lirael leans over and whispers in my ear, "I don't think she has a lot of friends."

I lock eyes with Lirael, curious how she could pinpoint such a theory.

"Just wait. You'll see it too."

We pay to enter and get our arm bands.

"Ladies! I'll go get our first round! Get some good seats!" Simon bobs over to the bar as we navigate the crowd that's dancing on the dance floor for now. We snagged a table on a raised portion right off the dance floor, not far from the stage.

Simon comes over with a tray of drinks and shots, "Here we go ladies!" He places a shot glass of a cloudy liquid in front of me and a what looked like a mixed drink with limes.

"Simon... I .." I start to say something but he raises his hand up.

"No, you're drinking those." He winks at me and I sniff the shot glass and it's just lime juice and water.

"My favorite!" I laugh, raising my glass as we cheers and knock back the 'shots'.

Mel gets a wide eyed expression. "What type of shot is this? I liked it!"

Alyssa bends over and whispers in her ear that it's just water and lime juice. We have to be sober when we notify security so they know we're not just making drunken accusations.

Mel nods and picks up her regular drink and takes a sip. I see her sigh in relief after that and is visibly more relaxed as we start to chit chat. Each of us took note of when the guy following me entered the club, Simon kept going back and forth for our 'shots' and came back with a real drink for himself.

"Should I go flirt with the guy?" Simon asks, making sure his back is in the direction of him.

"Yes! See if he wants to dance?" Lirael grins, sipping on her drink.

"You got this, Simon!" We all raise our glasses to cheer him on.

This was going to get interesting.