151 Medical Board

"Doctor Huller, we are here today to discuss the complaints that have been made against you and hear your defense against them. I'm Doctor Vanderburg, I and my eleven other colleagues would like to first bring forth the complaints as they were brought to us and then we will discuss each one individually and hear what your input on these matters."

The board listens to the complaints made and then proceed to bring up complaint about Tori first.

"This patient, a Victoria Grayson, she is a current patient of yours, right?" Doctor Vanderburg asks.

"Yes, sir."

"Alright, now this complaint says that you've had sexual relations with your patient. Is that true?"

"Before I ever became a doctor, yes, we had sex once." I state.

One of the other board members speaks up, "Before you became a doctor?" Her attention turns to the rest of the board. "Why is this being brought up now then? Was the patient not interviewed?"

Tori was just outside the room along with Lirael and Dawn, ready at a moments notice if they needed to come in.

My lawyer is the one who speaks up this time, "Yes, Doctor, she was and she is outside of the room as we speak, along with the other two involved with this hearing."

Dr. Vanderburg clears his throat, "Why are they here?" 

"To speak on their behalf, as they were not the ones who made these complaints that concern them." My lawyer informs him.

The female board member who spoke just a minute ago says, "Please allow all of them in here. I'd like to be able to question them." 

One of the attendants in the room goes and brings them in.

"Okay, which one of you is Victoria?" She asks.

Tori steps forward, "That would be me, ma'am." 

"Hello, Ms. Grayson. I'm Doctor Hasid. I'd like to hear about your relationship with Doctor Huller." 

"As my doctor? My friend?" Tori asks for clarification. 

"Well, let's start out with your take on this complaint that was made."

Tori takes a deep breath, "We were friends in college, had a few classes together, were in study group that liked to have fun on the weekends. One weekend we had a few to drink and had sex. The person who made this complaint is an egotistical man with chip on his shoulder who wants to hurt Doctor Hullers reputation and good standing."

"Thank you, Ms. Grayson. Now that you are Doctor Huller's patient, has he made any sexual advances towards you of any sort? Including bringing up your past sexual experience." Dr. Vanderburg asks her.

"No, sir."

Doctor Hasid inquires, "What is your opinion of Doctor Huller as his patient and what made you choose him as your Doctor?"

Tori quickly explains, "I recently divorced after experiencing an unhealthy marriage. Some friends of mine had noticed I was struggling coping with certain issues in my life and suggested I go talk to someone. I asked for recommendations and several gave me the number to Doctor Huller's office, since he specializes in trauma cases. I chose to set up an appointment because we had known each other at one point. Even though we had not spoken in years, I felt I might find it easier to open up to someone I know and not a complete stranger." 

Doctor Hasid makes some notes and then asks, "And what is your opinion of him as your Doctor?" 

Tori says clearly, "He's great. He's has a very professional and respectful demeanor for every appointment. I've made a lot of progress from where I was not long ago in my personal life. I'm grateful that he was recommended to me."

Doctor Hasid nods, "You may sit down, Ms. Grayson. Thank you." 

Doctor Hasid turns to her colleagues, "I saw in the notes that our investigators didn't find any proof of wrong doing on either parties involved. I motion for this complaint to be dismissed and we move on." 

"Second." Another doctor agrees.

"All in favor?" Almost every member except for Vanderburg and another Doctor raise their hands. 

"Motion passed." 

"Moving on." Doctor Vanderburg turns his papers in front of him and straightens them by tapping them on the table in front of him. "Now, the other complaint that you slept with a patient."

Doctor Hasid speaks up, cutting Doctor Vanderburg off, "Is Lirael here?" 

"Yes, ma'am." Lirael stands up and Doctor Hasid motions for her to step forward.

"I've noticed here that you also did not make this complaint. Correct?" Doctor Hasid looks towards Lirael, who confirms it. 

"While you were a patient of Doctor Huller, did you ever engage in sexual activity with him or in front of him?"

"No ma'am." Lirael says firmly.

"Did Doctor Huller take you to a sex club and enter a private room with another patron in there with you?"

"Yes, ma'am. Nothing sexual happened though." Lirael says firmly again.

Doctor Hasid narrows her eyes, "Are you comfortable explaining what went on? No medical records of the account were found."

My lawyer interjects, "I would like it noted that this event occurred over seven years ago, therefore those medical records were destroyed as per the law for the state of Texas concerning patients medical records. "

"Noted." Doctor Hasid turns to Lirael, "If you would please explain what happened so we are able to understand what the purpose of your visit to a sex club with Doctor Huller while you were his patient." 

Lirael clears her throat and goes on to tell them that she was having trouble due to her trauma developing personal relationships, even with others as friends. That I had read some case studies where a person was put into a hypnotic state and made to relive those moments and work through them while under hypnosis. It didn't work. She refused medications and explained her reasoning, after being force fed drugs both street and pharmaceutical, that she would not take them.

She went into greater detail about the case studies I offered for her to look over that could help, if she felt comfortable picking one out. She explained how SHE chose the BDSM to help over come sexual trauma. That I explained to her that my friend owned a BDSM club that if I asked would be willing to help. After meeting him and everything being explained, how BDSM doesn't have to be done in a sexual manner, she agreed to give it a try. That I was there to ensure that if the owner didn't catch that she was under duress that I would stop it. She explained she was bound in non sexual positions and couldn't handle it. That the owner is the one that suggested their roles reverse. To let her tie him up. 

"If it wasn't for Doctor Huller," Lirael's voice breaks and she clears her throat again, "I wouldn't have met my husband and been willing to have a relationship with him. I wouldn't have my son." She clears her throat again. "Even after I was released from his care as his patient, he's become one of my best friends. He's changed my life and made me learn that I could enjoy living and not be haunted by my trauma. He's an amazing doctor who genuinely cares to do his best so that his patients learn to live their lives better than before. The entire time I was his patient, we had a good and professional rapport. I'd like to state that the person who made that complaint using my name, doesn't even know me, nor has he ever spoke to me in any form."

"Thank you. You may now sit down." Doctor Hasid tells Lirael and turns to me. "Is there anything that you wanted to add to that, Doctor Huller?" 

"No ma'am." I let her know. Lirael covered  everything that needed to be covered and for that I was grateful. Her testimony actually touched me. I wanted to get up and hug her but knew it could wait till after this was over.

Doctor Hasid turns to her colleagues and asks if any one has any further questions. "Alright, since this incident is outside of the time frame and the patient themself has admitted that nothing unprofessional occurred, I move to have this complaint voided and marked as such with a warning to Doctor Huller. If a similar situation occurs where you feel that this type of therapy, and I use that term loosely, may help. It needs to occur in your offices and not at the actual sex club where the situation could be misconstrued in the future." She narrows her eyes at me as I nod.

"Yes ma'am. I agree completely with you and see how that caused confusion." 

She nods, "All in favor?" The hands are counted, "Motion carries."

Doctor Vanderburg shuffles in his seat and starts up on the complaint made about Dawn. This is the one, I could get in trouble for, for letting her have a way to contact me outside of my office hours. 

The door bangs open and Marcus comes barreling into the room, looking like he just got into a fight and did not come out the winner. He was fuming and I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing as he looked like a raging bull as he stomped his way in, security hot on his heels.