Lips Hypnosis (kissing on car)

After that "feeding" night, Yan Qi seemed to have flipped a switch, since his fixation on Lu Ran's mouth had reached a pathological level.

Every day after work, Lu Ran would receive elegantly wrapped gifts: lipsticks from only the most luxurious brands. Sometimes they were individually packaged, while other times they came in gift boxes with multiple shades. Either way, it was now part of her daily routine to apply every lipstick, take pictures of herself wearing them, and send them off to Yan Qi. More often than not, he would call back moments later with specific demands for her to perform live. "Stretch your tongue; open it; pout and then lick," he would instruct.

Lu Ran couldn't help but silently judge her childhood friend's obsession. She enjoyed being demanded by him so strictly - Yan Qi's possessiveness over her mouth was almost sweet trouble. But as she entertained the thought of being his real girlfriend and kissing him whenever she pleased, she wondered why she was the one getting trained while he was the one under some bizarre spell.

She posted pictures of each lipstick on Instagram - an account created purely for self-entertainment with only a dozen followers who were mostly social media ghosts.

"The 52nd lipstick gifted by someone."

After posting about lipsticks for days on end without fail, Lu Ran received an unexpected question in her latest post: "Are you a beauty guru? Your bf is so rich." The word "boyfriend" made her heart flutter with excitement even though it wasn't true; that kind act was just small kindness from Yan Qi.

She didn't reply but instead imagined what it would be like if he really was her boyfriend - no more waiting or yearning for vacant days where they could be together. In the videos where Yan Qi stared at Lu Ran through the screen with a hot fire in his eyes almost ready to pounce on her lips at any moment...well, let's just say the idea of kissing him anytime and anywhere sounded too good to resist.

Over the past week, Lu Ran noticed that the system's progress bar had only advanced by 5%. So, she thought for a moment and decided to issue a second hypnotic command.

Hypnotic intensity:

1. Yan Qi is obsessed with Lu Ran's mouth (55%)

2. Yan Qi thinks that kissing Lu Ran is absolutely normal, because they are childhood friends with deep relationships. (Common sense modification)

With these changes made, Lu Ran hoped that she wouldn't have to put much effort into getting Yan Qi to kiss her. She sat back and waited eagerly for him to take action.

Her excitement peaked when Yan Qi messaged her saying he would pick her up for work the next morning. Would he kiss her all the way? Her cheeks heated up at the thought of it. Trying to remain calm, she replied telling him she wanted lip balms instead of lipsticks.

Of course, Yan Qi wouldn't be deterred so easily. The next day he gave her a gift box filled with both lipsticks and balms.

Lu Ran barely had time to say "I can do it now..." before everything went black. The next thing she knew, Yan Qi was leaning over and kissing her passionately.

He licked and nibbled on her lips as if he had been longing for this for ages. When Lu Ran opened her mouth slightly, his tongue plunged in without hesitation. Despite feeling overwhelmed by his attack, she couldn't help but moan softly in pleasure.

The only sound in the car was the playful intermingling of tongues and Lu Ran's arousing moans.

She reached out and hooked her hand around Yan Qi's neck, tilting her head even higher to deepen the kiss. Yan Qi simply pulled her from the passenger seat onto his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around her waist.

" can't kiss me ... No … you are engaged … Ha ..."

"Why not! You're my best friend! Who else would I want to kiss but you?" Yan Qi cupped Lu Ran's chin. He raised his eyebrows in anger but when he caught sight of her confused expression and slightly stretched tongue, he eventually put away his temper and lowered his head again to indulge in that soft tongue.

"This is our morning ritual, it's a must," he mused. "From now on, I'll pick you up every day and won't let go until I've had enough!"

Damn, this feels so sweet… How could I ever get tired of this? Her saliva is all over my chin as she groans with pleasure. But she mustn't get too comfortable with this arrangement; one day she might send me a message asking me to stop kissing her.

"The older you get, the less obedient you become," Yan Qi claimed. "It's especially worse since I got engaged. Yes, I will marry Lin Nian someday but you're still my childhood friend – are you trying to escape or something?"

"I'm going to punish your mouth," Yan Qi teased playfully. "You need to learn how to talk to me properly!"

Lu Ran felt her mouth was being ravished by Yan Qi. The man was devouring every drop of saliva in her mouth like a wild animal, his tongue delving deep and not even releasing her throat.

Finally, their mouths parted. Before Lu Ran could catch her breath, Yan Qi asked her how she felt about being kissed.

"Tell me what I want to hear, Ran. Your face is red and your mouth is full of saliva. You must feel good, right? Tell me how much you love my kisses."

This guy is such a pervert... Lu Ran blushed with embarrassment. She did feel satisfied but it was too embarrassing to admit it. Yan Qi's fingers were pinching at her lips harder and harder. It was clear he wouldn't let go until he heard the answer he wanted.

"...Your tongue is thick and forceful, it fills my mouth every time we kiss," Lu Ran stammered out nervously. "I love the taste of your mouth and the way you lick me so carefully, taking care of every inch. My throat can feel your tongue too..."

"Go on," Yan Qi prompted eagerly.

"Whenever our mouths touch, I start producing more saliva because you always suck my tongue so hard," Lu Ran continued shyly. "Your tongue dominates mine so much that sometimes I think you're going to swallow it whole! But I love being messed up by makes me feel safe."

"I'm just jealous of Lin Nian because she gets to kiss you whenever she wants," Lu Ran added wistfully. "Her mouth probably tastes better than mine too – hers looked so pink and tender in that video we saw last time whereas mine looks too red and ugly..."

"Ran, don't compare yourself to Lin Nian," Yan Qi interrupted gently. "Your mouth can't be compared to hers – look at how well it expresses everything I love hearing from you! And your tongue is amazing at licking...of course you can have my kisses whenever you want! We're just normal friends with healthy relationships – there's nothing wrong with this! Don't feel bad; I'll make it up to you from now on."

Yan Qi coaxed Lu Ran with a sweet tone and soon their lips were locked again. They exchanged breaths while sharing saliva for over twenty minutes without separating once.

If they weren't running late for work, Lu Ran knew that Yan Qi would have continued kissing her endlessly. Even now as they drove on the road together, Yan Qi didn't let her return to the passenger seat; she remained seated on his lap.

"Hey, this isn't safe – let me sit back down!" Lu Ran weakly protested even though part of herself secretly enjoyed sitting in his lap like this.

As Yan Qi held her in his arms, his kisses had turned her body soft and pliant, making her never want to leave. His chest was solid and expansive, providing the safe haven she had always dreamt of. She couldn't bear to pull away.

"We're stuck in morning rush hour traffic. What else am I supposed to do?" Yan Qi scowled as he steered with one hand and took Lu Ran's face in the other. When the traffic lights turned red, he lunged forward to kiss her deeply on the lips.

If they hit a long red light, he would delve into tongue; if it was short, he gave her soft little caresses. They finally reached the underground garage after kissing all the way there - Lu Ran couldn't even close her mouth properly. The kissing addict pulled her close for one final suck, sending shivers down her spine. As they parted their lips, strings of saliva hung between them.

"... Put your lip balm on. I'll drive you home tonight. If I find out it's gone before then, I'll have to ask exactly who it was." His kiss had left him breathless too. He wiped Lu Ran's chin gently before watching her put on some bright balm that made her swollen lips look even more luscious.

"You was this man who kissed it off," she said coyly after applying the balm, giving him a gentle smooch on the lips before darting out of his car and pouting: "My first time with anyone belonged to you! No other guy gets a turn."

She didn't want to get stuck kissing him all day - not when she noticed how rock-hard he'd been driving up here because of their make-out session.

Not that she was ready for anything more than kissing right now anyway; any sexual tension would dissipate instantly if Yan Qi saw her unflattering naked body.

I need to make him crave my body more and more each day.

Her lips were fine but where should she move onto next? Lu Ran checked the progress of the hypnosis – 65% already? Thank goodness she'd chosen lips rather than hands or neck – those parts couldn't be covered up so easily!

What part could hide from Yan Qi's advances no matter what?

Suddenly an idea struck Lu Ran as she decided to reinforce the lip hypnosis one final time tonight before moving onto hypnotizing another part of herself...