Chapter 5

The door of my ward opened and our parents stepped in. I got startled. I clutched Vihaan's shirt firmly, he immediately hugged me as he already know that I got startled due to sudden sounds.

"How are you, my baby?" Vihaan's mom asked me politely.

"I am fine now." I responded smilingly glancing at Vihaan.

He passed me a small smile.

"If anything that you want to share, feel free to share it. Don't just keep it with yourself." Vihaan's dad told us looking at both of us. We looked at each other intently.

"Sure, dad." Vihaan spoke.

Then they passed small smile to each other. My mom placed the food on the small table in front of me. She kissed my forehead and then looked at my face intently. I held her fingers and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles. She smiled lovingly.

I mumbled, "I love you mom."

But she told me to get well soon in a slightly threatening tone. Her tone was a bit concernful too. I understood her gesture and passed her a small smile.

She was about to feed me, when Vihaan placed his hands on her left shoulder and requested her to leave. It was already midnight. He assured my parents that he will take good care of me. Vihaan's parents also advised mom and dad to do the same.So our parents left for their respective homes.

Vihaan sat beside me. I sat comfortably on my place and told him to feed me as I was very hungry by now. I was feeling weak as well. He immediately started feeding me. I was happily eating my food quickly. He was gazing me lovingly.

Later, I asked him whether he has eaten his food or not. He didn't responded me, instead he smiled widely. I looked at him questionably.

I understood that he hasn't eaten anything till now. He must be worried for me. Then, I took the spoon from his hands and started feeding him. He was behaving like a kid while eating. He really enjoyed eating the food from my hands.He always did, but it was different from other days.

Then he fed me medicines. I gulped it with water. It tasted utterly bitter. My expression turned sourful. I looked at him.

"Vihaan. It's bitter." I said each word as if I am practically eating the medicines once again.

He laughed heartily.

"What! Don't laugh, Vihaan." I said each word softly looking at him smilingly.

He stopped after few moments. He placed his fingers in his right pocket of his pants and took out a bar of delicious chocolate.

"You're the best, my Vihaan." I spoke excitedly while taking the chocolate from his hand.

He passed me a blooming smile.

We were talking and enjoying eating the chocolate as we were sharing it. We finished it, then I laid down on the bed.

Vihaan laid on the sofa which was placed in the middle of the room. He was busy in his phone.

"Vihaan." I spoke softly.

He turned his gaze from his phone.

"We always sleep together." I spoke in a pleading tone.

He understood my gesture and passed me a small smile.

"Well. I am not a kid that I would fit in that bed with you. Furthermore, I will not sleep cause I have to keep an eye on you." He spoke politely.

"No Vihaan." I spoke in a slightly frustrated tone.

"Just come here. If you won't come then I am not going to sleep and that's final." I spoke in an authoritative tone.

He got up from the sofa and reached towards me by taking slow steps. I smiled childishly and made his place beside me. He laid beside me. I looked at him and kissed his forehead softly.

"I love you."I spoke up softly while looking deeply in his eyes.

"These words were supposed to be for your birthday gift, unfortunately I couldn't tell it to you. " I spoke after a short pause.

He was looking at me shockingly.

"Why are looking at me like this. Don't tell me that you were not expecting this or.." I spoke and gulped the lump in my throat nervously and looked at him.

"Or do you love someone else?" I spoke softly in a heartbroken tone.

He hugged me immediately and shouted loudly , "I love you too, my Petal."

I felt like the world around me stopped. I became numb.

"If this was supposed to be my birthday gift, then this is the best one Petal." He spoke happily while hugging me.

My eyes welled up with happy tears. I hugged him more tightly.

We broke the hug few moments later. I looked at him with tears in my eyes, it was flowing continuously. Vihaan wiped off my tears gently.

" I am extremely sorry Petal. I ruined our special moment and also, I hurt you badly. I thought you love someone else. I was heartbroken. That's why, I was behaving like that Petal." He explained me with few tears in his eyes. I wiped his tears with my soft fingers.

"I don't love anyone else Vihaan. I only love you." I said softy with tears in my eyes.

We sobbed silently looking at each other happily.

It was the best moment for me. My love reciprocated my feelings with the same intensity. I was beyond happy. I slept peacefully in his embrace.