It wouldn't be fun, then

Azazeal — this is the name that everyone knew him by. He didn't remember from whom or when he received that name because it's been so long.

However, for the first time in a long while, Azazeal was taken aback when a very old yet familiar name slipped out from his mouth almost instinctively. His purple eyes flickered with surprise as he gazed at the silver-haired human across from him.

'Is it because I have seen you a lot in the future that has yet to come?'

On the other hand, Kyle's stance visibly relaxed as he gazed at the man dressed in white from head to toe. He mumbled under his breath with furrowed brows.


He had no clue why the latter had suddenly chosen to reveal his name. But he snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Aze stepping towards him.

Azazeal parted his lips and stretched out his left hand towards Kyle.

Immediately, the deep purple color of his eyes began to dim, replaced by a more common shade of purple.