Stone Golems, the Issue of Food

The stone bodies, now covered in moss and weeds, wobbled as they stood up.

With a height of over three meters and a pair of massive fists, they exuded an intimidating presence.

[Stone Golems]

[Level]: 8

[Tier]: Second Tier, 8 Stars

[Skills]: Stone Shell (Blue Skill, the stone body possesses formidable physical defense)

Rock Strike (Blue Skill, using the stone body as a weapon to deliver heavy blows that can cause impact and stun effects)

Stone Throw (Green Skill, throwing rocks at enemies)

Stone Devour (Green Skill, able to consume stones to repair the body)

[Unit Traits]: Elemental Construct (50% resistance against spiritual spells)

As the Stone Golems spotted them, they immediately let out an angry roar.

"You damn invaders, I'll..."

Before they could finish their sentence, they were hit in the face by a barrage of water arrows.