The Miserable Gale of the Dragon

After a few minutes, the sounds of battle subsided.

Ji Chen glanced at the progressing experience bar and gestured for the natives to continue moving forward.

"Ah? Oh, yes, my lord," the bewildered native responded, swallowing hard and quickly obeying.

Their astonishment lingered, for in their understanding, even the most skilled warriors in the tribe would meet a fatal end against the swarm of Razor Jaw Flying Fish. Yet before their eyes, their newly loyal Lord had effortlessly annihilated them all without any casualties.

What kind of extraordinary power was this?

The chieftain's decision seemed wise and correct. Refusal would have likely led them to the same fate as those Razor Jaw Flying Fish.

Ji Chen remained oblivious to the inner thoughts of the natives. Even if he knew, he would only wear a knowing smile.

Those who refused to submit would not face such severe consequences, but their fate would resemble that of the Kobold Tribe.