Set Off!

Departure day arrived.

The central stone plaza of the territory was filled with gathered people.

Jichen stood before the gates of the Lord's Manor, his expression displaying a serious demeanor.

"Wilus, while I'm away, I trust you to manage the territory diligently and ensure no mistakes occur."

Wilus, standing before him, promptly saluted. "Yes, I will do everything in my power."

"The Fishman Rangers will remain under your command during this period. However, their usage should be limited to safeguarding the territory and its resources."

"Additionally, continue overseeing the cultivation of sea rice. I hope to return and witness vast fields of flourishing rice."

Wilus saluted once more, his anxiety evident in his response.

Jichen nodded, shifting his gaze towards Anina by his side.

According to their prior agreement, she would be responsible for protecting the territory in his absence.