Acting, Huge Harvest (2)

After going through both tactics, Qiao Yixiong refused to believe that they couldn't find an opportunity to strike!

But Ji Chen had already seen through their intentions and couldn't help but smile at their earnest acting. If it weren't for the hundreds of red dots hidden underwater on the comprehensive map, he would have been tempted to applaud their synchronized cooperation.

However, since they wanted to play a role, he decided to play along a little. After all, he had nothing better to do.

With that in mind, he put on a friendly face and said, "No worries, just wait here. I'll have someone fetch the food and fresh water for you."

After speaking, he signaled a few pirates to return to the forest, pretending to retrieve the food and water.

Meanwhile, he himself appeared relaxed, as if he had let his guard down, slowly approaching them.

Qiao Yixiong and the others were secretly excited. It seemed like everything was going smoothly!