The Destruction of Civilization

The reason for allowing the Kobolds to reproduce was simple.

Labor force.

Kobolds had a strong reproductive ability. They could lay 20 to 30 eggs a year, and their growth rate was extremely fast. With sufficient food, newborn Kobolds could grow from infants to qualified laborers in three months.

As the saying goes, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to four, and four gives birth to eight.

This was also the reason why he did not allow them to reproduce. If the Kobolds always hated him, there was naturally no need to let them strengthen their race and increase the difficulty of management.

But now, the Kobolds were extremely fanatical about him and respected him like a god. There was no need to worry about them at all. This way, he could expand the scale of his race and increase the labor force in the territory.

They went around the underground cave and headed for the entrance to the mountain.