Dragon Blood Crystals, Dragon Blood Murlocs

Several hours later.

After a challenging journey, Ji Chen and his group finally reached the mountaintop. It was covered in a pristine layer of snow, resembling a white carpet. From this vantage point, everything below appeared small and insignificant, giving them a sense of grandeur.

The mountaintop was rugged, with scattered boulders and a central lake that served as the source for numerous waterfalls. As they surveyed the area, they couldn't help but notice the enormous claw marks deeply embedded in the rocks. These marks seemed as if they had been perfectly carved, with smooth edges that indicated a great force.

Their attention soon turned to a massive cave that stood before them. It was undoubtedly the location of the Dragon's Nest they had been searching for.

Without wasting any time, Ji Chen led his army towards the cave, arriving at the edge of the lake.