Black Skeleton Pirates, Night Attack (2)

"Go in and show us the way to the Black Skeleton Pirate Crew." 

The pirates nodded without hesitation. They immediately plunged into the water bubble.

Ji Chen shifted his gaze toward the New Moon, specifically the Tidal Sea Spirit tethered to it, and spoke, "Once we depart, take command of the ship to explore this archipelago freely. When I call upon you, respond promptly to offer assistance."

In response to his words, the sails of the New Moon lowered abruptly and then swiftly rose again, signifying their comprehension.

Without further delay, Ji Chen firmly pressed his hand, causing the water bubble enclosing the pirates to sink into the sea. Following suit, he and the rest of the troops descended into the water as well.

Following the guidance of the pirates, they headed towards the island where the Black Skeleton Pirate Crew's main stronghold was located.