Dividing the Forces, One Man Overcomes the Enemy

This "key" with its extraordinary form further piqued Ji Chen's interest in the ancient relic.

As they say, a key matches its lock.

If the key is extraordinary, then the lock must be equally exceptional.

Thus, the locked ruins is naturally extraordinary as well.

With this thought, Ji Chen's gaze towards I_Love_Black_Stockings became more friendly.

After all, she had already handed over the reward before anyone was even eliminated, showing some level of sophistication.

I_Love_Black_Stockings had been silently observing Ji Chen's expression, and upon seeing the change in his eyes, she felt a surge of joy, knowing she had made the right bet.

Suddenly, she thought of a question, "Big Boss Islander, you have allocated your three heroes to handle one each, but what should be done with the remaining one?"

"I will take care of the last one."