The Ninth Level (2)

Ten meters.

Twenty meters.

Fifty meters.

Eighty meters.

Until reaching a hundred meters high, their inertia was depleted, and they began freefalling.

Falling from a hundred meters high onto the sea surface was almost the same as falling onto the ground.

With a "plop" sound, they fell into the sea like dumplings.

Even the bodies of the Ocean Guardians made of special alchemical materials couldn't withstand such a fierce impact.

The moment they touched the sea surface, their bodies shattered into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Ji Chen smiled.

This was his newly developed tactic, simple and brutal.

Using seawater to send enemies flying into the air and then using gravity to harm them.

This method consumed less mana than using water blades to kill enemies and had excellent results.

This wave only consumed a quarter of his mana but managed to kill over eight hundred Ocean Guardians.