Penny Wise, Pound Foolish: Ji Chen's Helplessness

But Ji Chen suddenly thought, if Benbo really evolves into a dragon in the end, then wouldn't he be able to ride a dragon?

Although he wouldn't be a proper Dragon Knight, it wouldn't stop him from showing off while riding one.

Benbo suddenly felt a chill all over its body and looked around in confusion.

A sense of being watched crossed its mind, but soon, Benbo's joy overcame any lingering doubt.

The transformation not only bestowed upon it immense power but, more importantly, provided an opportunity for a significant breakthrough. This was an achievement that eluded its grasp no matter how hard it tried.

The lowly Murloc race, born from the mud, had lofty ideals of transforming into dragons.

Even after countless ages, this ideal was still deeply ingrained in their genes, inspiring countless Murlocs to strive for it.

A Murloc that didn't want to become a dragon was not a good Murloc!