Acquisition, Lavish Spending

She quickly took out a wooden box from her backpack and opened it, revealing several round military recruitment camp cores inside.

"These are what I brought, eight military recruitment camp cores. Four of them are Tier 2, 5-star Naga Warriors, three are Tier 2, 1-star River Murloc, and one is a Tier 2, 1-star Sea Pixie."

Military recruitment camp cores?

Ji Chen gestured for Alice to take the wooden box.

Alice returned with the box and stood aside as Ji Chen casually picked up one of the cores.

Inside the fist-sized crystal sphere, lifelike miniature models of the troops were condensed.

A quick glance confirmed that these were genuine military recruitment camp cores.

There were a total of four Naga Warrior recruitment camp cores here, and with the one on New Moon Islands, there were five in total.

At a production rate of 14 units per camp per week, they could produce 70 units in a week.