Epic Tier: Elin and Thotmudo

Among the two prisoners who had awakened, one was an elf, and the other was a dwarf.

At this moment, they both looked at Ji Chen with a fiery gaze, their eyes fixed firmly on him.

As if they had just laid eyes on an unparalleled treasure.

Ji Chen even got a slight shiver from that look in their eyes.

The elf was fine, an alluring female elf that could easily make any man's heart race. Her graceful figure and enchanting appearance were partially revealed beneath a robe that seemed to have been through a lot, along with a veil that added an air of mystery.

The dwarf, on the other hand, seemed almost stereotypical. He sported a scruffy beard, and his clothing looked as if it hadn't seen a wash in centuries. However, beneath those worn clothes, his robust muscles spoke of explosive strength.