Backstabbing, Successful Ship Hijacking, Mysterious Slaves

On the gnome merchant ship, Ernesto frequently looked back, seeing Ji Chen's figure still standing in place, showing no intention to chase. He breathed a sigh of relief, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

Having escaped from danger, amidst the feeling of fortunate relief, it couldn't help but start to feel a heartache. Looking at the now empty cargo hold number 7 was enough to bring tears to his eyes.

Besides the loss of cargo, the gnome merchant ship had also suffered significant damage in the recent attack. Repairing it would be quite an expense.

Adding to that the compensation for the deceased gnomes, the overall losses this time amounted to at least a million gold coins, nearly emptying his pockets of the earnings he had cunningly accumulated over the past few years.

These years of toil seemed to have been in vain!