Various Items, Enslavement Contract Scroll, Medieval Town? (3)

"Boss, I understand this map must be special, but if it's of any help to you, it's yours!"

Observing her eagerness to hand over the map, Ji Chen smiled. "You truly have no curiosity about this map... about Gloria?"

I_Love_Black_Stockings' face stiffened for a moment.

To say she had no curiosity would be a lie. These past few days, she had intentionally or unintentionally gathered bits of information about Gloria: the ancient elves, the lost city, the conflicts among the elves, the fragments in the hands of the dwarves... 

But after reading just a little, she dared not look any further.

What kind of terrifying stuff was all this?

It appeared to be something incredibly perilous, a proverbial hot potato one wouldn't even want to hold.

Driven by her self-preservation instincts, she suppressed her greed and curiosity and resolutely handed it over.

"Curiosity may be good, but I'm very afraid of dying, so I'd rather not."