Abundant Harvest, Underwater Forest, Monica and Elin

But after searching for half an hour, Ji Chen didn't find anything valuable. It seemed that apart from the rare resources and the Travis Relic, there was nothing else worthwhile.

There was only trash and more trash.

He felt a slight sense of regret.

However, this haul was quite impressive. He obtained a small two-winged demon statue that emitted a negative force field, approximately 6000 units of rare resources, 300 units of invaluable top-tier resources called spirit crystals, and an elf artifact shrouded in mystery.

Against all odds, Ji Chen's victory over the corrupted temple dark acolyte not only secured valuable rewards but also propelled him through the ranks. He soared from level 35 to level 37, and reaching level 38 appeared well within reach.

Although the battle had been challenging, his side had suffered very few losses.