Fleet Departure: Ironclad Battleships and Airships, Maple Harbor (2)

In a wave of admiration and astonishment, the Crown of the Ocean fleet gradually approached, revealing the distant port and city on the land.

At the bow of the ship.

"Lord, that's the port where we're going to dock this time—Maple Harbor.

Maple Harbor is one of the largest ports in the Northern Continent. It is under the jurisdiction of a completely neutral principality—the Maple Principality. Due to its absolute neutrality, it's highly stable here.

Not only have several human kingdoms and principalities set up embassies here, but also many races, such as elves, dwarves, and gnomes, have established offices here.

It has a highly advantageous geographical location and a deepwater harbor, so it sees a lot of traders coming and going, making commerce highly prosperous. Whether it's buying or selling goods, all the necessary steps can be completed here.

This is truly a holy land for merchants."

Raymond exclaimed with a sense of wonder.