Humans Not to Be Underestimated, Good Person Card, Black Gold District (2)

Before, he intended to return this item to the elves when he had contact with them, but Ji Chen changed his mind halfway.

This time, giving a top-notch Merfabric was already sufficient. He could wait until the next meeting to give this item.

The carriage drove out of the embassy district and re-entered the city's main thoroughfare.

Although it was already evening, Maple City was still bustling. The streets were brightly lit, and there was a constant flow of people, a sea of heads as far as the eye could see.

The carriage moved along a dedicated road. Suddenly, the horses neighed, and the carriage abruptly came to a stop. This startled everyone inside the carriage. Shortly after, a commotion could be heard from the front. Ji Chen furrowed his brow and opened the carriage door.

Seeing him come out, the coachman hurriedly explained, "My lord, a young girl accidentally entered the carriage lane, and I had to brake urgently..."