Trolls, Zhao Liangchen's Storm, Gilder and the Elves (2)

Ji Chen, once again, reviewed the letter to make sure he hadn't missed any information.

Ji Chen walked over to the fireplace, along with the envelope, and lit it, tossing it into the fireplace until it turned into ashes.

In the afternoon.

Raymond, who had stayed in Maple City to handle the expenses that Ji Chen had spent in the Cat Tail Tavern, also returned to the estate in a carriage.

Upon arrival, he reported, "My Lord, the expenses for the Cat's Tail Tavern this time amount to 98,589 gold coins, including beverages, food, and venue fees... everything has been paid in full."

Rounded up, it was nearly 100,000 gold coins.

A few months ago, Ji Chen would have thought of this amount as substantial. However, at this moment, it appeared neither excessive nor insufficient; it was approximately equivalent to the value of a three-star treasure.