Attack, Landslide, Caught a Big Fish

Under the guidance of Kris, they entered the elven army camp.

To be honest, Ji Chen had never seen so many elves before, walking around in groups.

Among them, he could sense the presence of many heroic units, showcasing the depth of the elves' power.

These two thousand elven warriors had the strength to rival several times their number of Maple Principality soldiers.

As Ji Chen observed the elves, they also secretly watched him. It wasn't until Kris led Ji Chen into a tent that they began to whisper.

"Who is this human? And why is he with Lady Kris?"

"Wow, he looks quite handsome, didn't expect to see such a handsome human."

"Wait, did he enter Commander Yasen's tent!? I sense a conspiracy!"

"Discussing guests is not what elves should do; everyone, return to your posts!"

The reprimand from the elven officer silenced the elves.