Special Task Fleet, Surprise, Her Highness' Favor?

Ji Chen and his group advanced at a rapid pace, soon spotting a fleet of fifteen steel warships on the sea. The majestic lion flag on the bridge fluttered in the wind.

The warships were bustling with activity, and their cannons were slightly raised, clearly in a state of readiness for battle.

Something seemed suspicious about this.

After some thought, Ji Chen ordered the entire army to submerge into the sea and prepare for combat.

With a wave of his hand, he led Anina forward.

After a moment, the fleet with the lion flag noticed them and changed course, heading in their direction.

Several escort ships on the flanks moved forward diagonally, and their gun turrets slowly rotated, positioning themselves for the best firing angles.

From Ji Chen's perspective, this formation appeared hostile.

He hesitated for a moment.

With a determined expression, Ji Chen knew that ensuring his own safety was the top priority.