Everyone Leveled Up, Learning Techniques

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ji Chen also seized the chance to gain some experience.

At this moment, his level had already reached level 39, with about half of the experience bar remaining until he reached level 40. With the army's dedicated efforts in battle, the experience bar was steadily progressing toward being filled.

Every ten levels was a significant milestone. Ordinary professions could learn a new skill every ten levels, which was one of the stable channels for ordinary profession players to acquire skills.

However, this clearly did not apply to Ji Chen.

After all, the Tidal Dominator was a legendary profession. He hadn't learned any skills when he reached level twenty or thirty. Besides the initial skills he received when he obtained the profession, he acquired the rest through skill scrolls or various opportunities.

Skills like the Tidal Domain, Triple Casting, and Multitasking...