Lord of Coral, Secret of the Mystic Realm (3)

[In the vast and ancient Coral Palace, the Lord of the Coral, who had existed for an unknown period of time, possessed formidable magical attack powers.]

This sea sovereign was none other than the ruler of the Coral Palace, the Lord of the Coral.

As Ji Chen had previously speculated, she was a Red-Legacy Tier monster leader unit.

The Coral Lord, Sonia, approached with a smiling face.

"Your Excellency, you don't seem surprised, do you? After all, the Lord of the Coral is... in human terms, a weak woman?"

Ji Chen replied calmly, "I do not judge a person or creature solely by appearance. Besides, looking weak doesn't necessarily mean being weak in power. Just like Alice and Anina, they are all strong in their own right."

Sonya nodded in agreement. She could feel the immense power emanating from the two sea races outside, which exceeded the capabilities of any leaders she had under her control.