Two Dimension Keys, Sonia's Compromise, Terrifying Undercurrent (2)

Seeing the Ocean Crown's forces, who had been friendly just a moment ago, suddenly change their demeanor and draw sharp swords, all of the Coral Palace's troops had their faces change color. They hurriedly reached for their weapons, preparing to face off.

However, they all felt somewhat uncertain. Facing an armed force and heroes numbering over 15,000 from the Coral Palace against just over 5,000 Ocean Crown troops was a daunting prospect, not to mention winning the battle.

Over 15,000 Coral Palace soldiers gathered, but they appeared cautious in the face of the Ocean Crown's well-armed troops and heroes, just standing there put immense pressure on them, let alone winning the battle.

Tension filled the air outside the Coral Palace, and it was on the brink of conflict.

Inside the central palace of the Coral Palace, the atmosphere was equally tense.

Sonia stood frozen, her expression extremely nervous.