Nothing Without Escaping: Price Surges and Pocket Formations (3)

A large amount of meat was transported from the icehouse in Starshine City. After being drenched in fresh blood, it was sent to dozens of islands on the south side of the archipelago or placed on fishing boats, which were anchored in specific water locations to act as bait.

These meat placements seemed random, but when viewed from above, they formed a pyramid-like pattern. T

he wider side faced outward, while the pointed side pointed towards the deeper part of the archipelago.

Sea beasts had a penchant for meat, and once they caught the scent of blood, they went into a frenzy, desperate to feed.

So, Ji Chen reused an old trick and placed meat at specific locations, following the principle that the Ocean Crown used small boats as bait. This way, the attracted sea beasts would gradually enter the pocket formation, narrowing the battlefield's width. This ensured that the sea beasts obediently advanced towards the defensive line and didn't scatter elsewhere.