Players Withdraw for the Time Being, Might of the Dragon Horn Catfish (2)

Their blood began to heat up, and it felt like their hearts might leap out of their chests.

The legions and heroic units in the Crown of the Ocean all had impressive bloodlines, each from different races.

The Naga Guardians possessed ancient Naga bloodlines, the Dragon Blood Murlocs had the blood of dragons, Alice was a Siren, Anina was an ancient Dragon Whale, Herald hailed from the deep-sea Naga, and Benbo also had a rich dragon bloodline.

In this territory of the Crown of the Ocean, such a gathering of noble bloodlines and races was indeed a testament to the abundance of talent.

Powerful bloodlines and races translated into formidable combat strength.

There was no doubt about their strength.

The Crown of the Ocean, with its hands unshackled, soon displayed crushing power.