Monica's Sorrow, the Cargo Ship from the Southern Continent, Ari (2)

Seeing Monica calmed down, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Julius asked curiously, "Daughter, you mentioned that the Lord of Glory defeated the reconnaissance fleet of the Bas Kingdom?"

"That's right. At that time, I sent a fleet to the Crown of the Ocean because I learned that the Bass Kingdom's spies discovered that they had saved me and sent a fleet for retaliation.

But when our fleet arrived, the Bass Kingdom's fleet had already been defeated, and even the fleet commander was captured."

Julius realized at that moment."So, those several Bass Kingdom military officers you brought here earlier were sent by the Lord of Glory?"

Monica nodded proudly, "That's correct. But in order to protect him, I didn't reveal his territory or name to the outside world. Instead, we spread the word that our fleet had sunk their reconnaissance fleet. Otherwise, the Bass Kingdom, for the sake of their reputation, would have sent troops to retaliate.