Bounty Orders, What Gave You the Courage?

"Furthermore, you need to launch another attack on Feiguang City immediately. There is something we require there."

"But breaking through Feiguang City now is almost impossible," Russell replied without hesitation and frowned.

"Do you think the people of Tressburg are fools? This time, without breaking through, they will definitely see through the mist I set up earlier and won't give us such an opportunity again.

In addition, with the loss of the hundred thousand-strong army attacking Feiguang City and the capture of the Eighth Fleet, I need to formulate a new offensive strategy. It's impossible to commit a large force to that city in the short term."

Upon hearing this, the tone of the Silver Masked Deceiver also turned cold.

"This was the condition we agreed on earlier. You don't have the right to refuse. Without our support, do you think you would have come this far today?