Wang Shanyue, Meeting Monica Again, Gossip Flames (2)

Ji Chen suddenly realized that these were the players and guilds of the Lienhardt Grand Duchy faction. However, it was a bit too late; they had already finished the battle.

He shook his head with a smile and said, "Thank you, but there's no need."

Wang Shanyue, with his mature demeanor, exuded a unique charm. He warmly replied, "No need to be so polite to us. You've been holding out on your own for so long. Our guild members admire you greatly.

Oh, by the way, what about the players from the Kingdom of Bass?"

Ji Chen gestured behind him.

Wang Shanyue's gaze passed over Ji Chen's shoulder and when he looked at the scene behind, his entire face froze.

His little brother standing beside him also stared in curiosity and froze in place, his eyes filled with shock.

In their line of sight.