Army of Stags, Mysterious Behemoth - This is the 'Graveyard'

The flagship of the Bass Kingdom's third fleet.

"The things you've provided are quite useful," 

Inside the steel-clad command room, Duoru, with a slightly surprised expression on his face, gazed at the sea beasts lurking around the fleet. The sea beasts appeared reluctant to approach.

The Deceiver, who had never taken off his mask, spoke in a throaty voice as if he had eaten charcoal.

"We used a powerful tool and some interesting materials to create this treasure that can drive away and repel sea creatures."

"A powerful tool?" Duoru's interest showed on his face.

The Deceiver chuckled ominously. "You don't need to inquire about that, sir. Just know that we can help you enter that 'graveyard.'"

Upon hearing this, Duoru no longer pressed for details but instead looked with increasingly fiery eyes toward the depths of the sea.