Tree of Life, Deviant Ghost (3)

Duoru's face changed as he snatched the binoculars and looked to the north. A large group of black creatures were swiftly running across the snowy ice field, heading straight for the fleet.

These creatures had limbs as well as tough skin covering their bones. They had sharp teeth in their mouths, three rows of menacing bone spikes on their backs, and metallic-like hooks growing at their joints.

Their humanoid body structure made them chilling to behold.

"Those are deviant ghosts, likely survivors from the war who failed to leave in time and evolved into these grotesque beings

It's probably your previous bombardment that woke them up from their nests.

You'd better deal with them from a safe distance, or your soldiers won't be enough for them."

Duoru gave the Deceiver a deep and penetrating look, then issued his order without the slightest hesitation.