Ocean Power, You Thieves! (2)

"This is not what I know, and it's not what noble and promise-keeping elves should do!"

Elin felt even more embarrassed by these words, but after all, she was an elf who lived for thousands of years. She had thick skin, and her expression remained unchanged. She simply turned her hand and magically produced a wooden bottle emitting a faint woody fragrance, handing it over with a light cough.

"These Water of Life can be considered a gift for our meeting, but I must take the Tree of Life with me; I cannot give it to you."

"Of course, I can't take such a big tree with me either."

As Ji Chen spoke, he accepted the wooden bottle, a smile on his face. He raised his hand slightly, and a thread of magic emerged, transferring all the pale golden Water of Life into the bottle, not leaving a single drop.

Looking at the wooden bottle in his hand, a hint of satisfaction flashed across his face.