The Battle of Eiben Fortress

At this moment, the fleet soldiers who remained in control of the warships came into play. Under Ji Chen's coercion and threat, they obediently began to manipulate the warships.

One by one, warships carrying elves gradually sailed into the rift.

A burst of white light flashed, and suddenly, a warm sea breeze blew in front of them. Unlike the ice-blue sea of the frozen wilderness, what appeared before the elves was a deep blue ocean. Clouds lazily floated in the sky, creating a peaceful scene.

Fish leaped out of the sea and then splashed back in, whales spouted water columns, and rainbows appeared in their wake.

Marianne looked at this scene with excitement, her eyes filled with tears.

After so many years, they finally arrived at the main world they had longed for day and night!

Ji Chen stood on the bow of the ship, and as soon as he left the frozen wilderness and arrived in this vast ocean, he could feel a powerful force rapidly gathering.