Catastrophic Waves, the Power of the Kraken (2)

In their eyes, excitement gleamed, and they shouted loudly, "Lienhardt will win!"

The sky was filled with rolling dark clouds, and lightning serpents crackled, creating a stifling atmosphere that hung over the land. The air felt suffocating.

Finally, rain began to pour from the sky in torrents. The raindrops were as big as beans, seemingly intent on crushing anyone beneath them without mercy. Powerful sea winds howled in from the depths of the ocean, chilling them to the bone.

Monica watched this scene, her expression devoid of joy or sorrow, and she timed her command precisely.


The drummers swung their arms in unison, and the war drums resounded.

This sound seemed to ignite the flames in the hearts of countless soldiers, driving away the cold brought by the rain and wind.