Milorna Awakens, The Deep Sea Church

In the past, during battles with a group known as the Sea Heirs, many soldiers and residents in the territory of the Ocean Crown suffered from their poison. This toxin was extremely hard to detect and challenging to eliminate.

The only expert alchemist in the territory, Lady Irona, conducted research and manufactured antidotes to neutralize this neurotoxin under the guidance of Ji Chen.

Ji Chen turned his hand and handed over a vial containing a shimmering silver liquid, saying, "This is the antidote to neutralize the poison."

After drinking the antidote, Milorna, who had been in a coma, gradually regained some color in her face. Her eyebrows relaxed, her breathing steadied, and her body stopped trembling. For the first time, a serene expression appeared on her face, causing Julius and Monica to breathe a sigh of relief.