Blue Dragon Murlocs, Expanding the Route (2)

"I'm going to do it now, I'm going to do it now, ahhhh!! Please spare me, Master, I know I was wrong!!!"

Ji Chen paid no attention to its pleas, his expression indifferent as he watched it suffer, not stopping until ten minutes later.

At this point, the entire Kraken, like a pile of mud, convulsed and sank into the sea, as if it were dead.

It took several minutes for it to recover and resurface again.

But its eyes were now filled with fear and reverence, not daring to be unruly, its tentacles hanging in the water obediently.

Ji Chen remained indifferent.

"My patience is very limited, and I don't want there to be a next time."

"There will definitely be no next time, I'll go east when you tell me to go east, and I'll go west when you tell me to go west!!"

The Kraken hastily replied, completely devoid of its previous wildness.