The Power of the Ocean, God Bless Victor! (3)

Countless beings in the ocean, devoid of much intelligence and relying mostly on instinct to survive, all turned their gazes in a certain direction at this moment and then rushed toward it without hesitation.

Swordfish, toothed arrowfish, waterborne beasts, saw-toothed whale sharks, colossal octopuses...

Countless marine creatures formed groups and advanced together, creating a spectacular scene on the ocean.

But at the same time.

The Lord of the Waves, who was heading straight for the Stormy Sea, suddenly looked to the southeast, his face filled with astonishment.

That was... the power of the ocean!?

He sensed a strange aura, and there was no mistaking it; it was the power of the ocean!

It could release him from the malicious curse branded upon him!

Filled with boundless joy in his heart, the intense emotional fluctuations left the giant turtle puzzled.