Victory Day Celebration

The celebration for Victory Day was in full swing, and the entire Crown of the Ocean was immersed in a whirlwind of festivity and busyness.

As the initiator and advocate of this festival, Ji Chen had a short two-day break after the war ended.

As the saying goes, even the toughest ropes can break under prolonged pressure, so he felt justified in enjoying this brief respite.

During this time, he used the recruitment quotas for the five recruiting camps he had newly acquired to recruit a total of fifty Sea Crystal Wyrms.

It's worth noting that recruiting Sea Crystal Wyrms, a sixth-tier unit, required the consumption of extremely rare resources called Spirit Crystals. Each Sea Crystal Wyrm required 20 units of Spirit Crystals, and recruiting fifty of them would cost 1000 units.

His inventory of Spirit Crystals was only 3500 units, so he was just two rounds of recruitment away from running out of resources.