60,000 Spirit Crystals, Ocean Dragon (2)

However, after the events of the past, the entire family and the principality had been thoroughly controlled by the Elves, becoming mere puppets and vassals with no chance of rebellion.

The Elven Embassy, reception hall.

Ji Chen sat across from Miligas, the atmosphere pleasant, with goblets clinking.

"Lord Miligas, are you satisfied with this outcome?"

"Of course, I am more than satisfied. I never expected Lord Ji Chen to find the flaw in the Gremolagen family from such a unique perspective," Miligas laughed heartily, his eyes filled with delight.

He truly hadn't expected that the breakthrough in solving this challenging case would come from a kept young man. The effect had been incredibly good, as they had effortlessly caused the Gremolagen family to bleed profusely, resolved the disruption to the Queen's ceremony, and strengthened their control over the Maple Principality.

This was killing two birds with one stone!