The Mystic Realm Collapses, The Featherfolk Race

The spatial structure had been disrupted by external forces, and there was no need to speculate—it was definitely the work of demons.

Ji Chen didn't expect that the demons would actually be willing to use a realm that they had been managing for thousands of years, investing a significant amount of resources, to completely trap them. One could certainly not deny their determination.

Ignoring the demons' murderous intent towards them, Ji Chen calmed himself down and spoke in a hurried tone.

"How much time is left before the realm completely collapses?"

"Squeak! (At most, there are only two hours left!)"

Although two hours were pressing, it didn't mean there was no way to complete the evacuation. Augustus had already guided the civilians to gather together for refuge, and with people assembled, the final step of evacuation would be much easier.